30-Minute Best Leg Day Workout (Power Legs)

Описание к видео 30-Minute Best Leg Day Workout (Power Legs)

Build strong legs at home with this quick and effective power legs workout! The best leg exercises you can do at home with a set of dumbbells (and optional mini loop resistance band)!

👉Free Weekly Workout Plans In Your Inbox Every Sunday: https://www.nourishmovelove.com/subsc...

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► EQUIPMENT: Medium-to-Heavy Dumbbells. I'm using 15-20 lb weights. And an optional mini loop resistance band.
👉My resistance bands are from Hope Fitness (affiliate link):
*Discount Code: NML
👉My oversized yoga mat is from Gorilla Mats (affiliate link): http://gorillamats.com/?aff=5
*Discount Code: NourishMoveLove

00:00 Workout Introduction
✔️ 4 Circuits (2 strength circuits, 2 power circuits)
✔️ 3 Leg Day Strength Exercises and 2 Leg Day Power Exercises
✔️ Timed Interval (all 30 seconds of work, followed by 15 seconds of rest)
✔️ Repeat Each Circuit x2 Sets

01:05 Warm Up

05:50 Strength Circuit 1
Uneven Squat Thruster R/L
Staggered Deadlift R/L
Staggered Deadlift + Clean Squat R/L

08:35 Power Circuit 1
Low/High Drop Steps
Loaded Wide/Narrow Jumps

10:15 Repeat Strength Circuit 1

12:50 Repeat Power Circuit 1

15:40 Strength Circuit 2
Alternating Lunge + Rotate
2 Split Lunge Dumbbell Set Down + Power Knee Drive R/L
3-Way Curtsy Lunge, Lunge + Lateral Lunge

18:30 Power Circuit 2
2 Runners + Staggered Stance Explode R/L
Banded Lateral Shuffle

20:35 Repeat Strength Circuit 2

23:10 Repeat Power Circuit 2

25:30 Bonus Round
Single Leg Bridge R
Hamstring Bridge Hold
Single Leg Bridge L

27:55 Cool Down + Stretch

We set our watches to "HIIT" for this workout! Here's the fitness watch our team uses + loves (affiliate link): https://www.anrdoezrs.net/click-10075...

❤️ Learn more about my favorite strength and HIIT leg exercises in this blog post:
👖 LINDSEY WEARING (affiliate links):
► lululemon strongfeel Training Shoes -- https://creatoriq.cc/45lT4SM
► lululemon Wunder Train High-Rise Short (6") -- https://creatoriq.cc/4aYWnmn
► lululemon License to Train Tight-Fit Tank Top -- https://creatoriq.cc/444UEJo

👖 RACHEL WEARING (affiliate links):
► lululemon strongfeel Training Shoes -- https://creatoriq.cc/45lT4SM
► lululemon Wunder Train High-Rise Short (6") -- https://creatoriq.cc/4aYWnmn
► lululemon License to Train Tight-Fit Tank Top -- https://creatoriq.cc/444UEJo
⭐️ FREE WEEKLY WORKOUT PLANS IN YOUR INBOX: https://www.nourishmovelove.com/subsc...
⭐️ FOLLOW on Instagram:   / nourishmovelove  
⭐️ MORE WORKOUTS + FREE WORKOUT PLANS: https://www.nourishmovelove.com/
#legworkout #powerlegs #lowerbodyworkout


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