I don't know who I am... and that is ok. Ep.2: My journey toward well-being and self-discovery.

Описание к видео I don't know who I am... and that is ok. Ep.2: My journey toward well-being and self-discovery.

I'm 27 years old and I'm still struggling to figure out who I am and what I want to do with my life. I've studied a variety of things. I've tried to find myself through philosophy, psychology and religion. I've gone to therapy, changed career paths, moved half-way across the world, and I still feel stuck. But for the first time I'm able to accept this, and instead of fighting it or trying to force myself forward, I'm finally allowing myself to be a bit lost. Instead of "not knowing who I am" being a burden, I've started to view it as an adventure. I hope you enjoy episode 2 of my journey toward well-being.

#life #wellbeing #journey #selfimprovement #whoami #psychology #philosophy #mentalhealth #sad #socrates #kierkegaard #knowthyself


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