The Groton School – The Academic Experience

Описание к видео The Groton School – The Academic Experience

This admissions video production, created for Groton school by Deweymedia, highlights the school’s academic experience. It is one of three videos that comprise the school’s current admissions video campaign. The video drops prospective students into the classroom and hallways of Groton to learn first hand what the students experience in Groton’s classrooms.

We profile individual classes, like the Court & Constitution class, which often use lesson plans directly linked to relevant recent events in the world. Engaging in debate over complex societal issues in the classroom keeps the students involved and deeply invested in their education as they see its importance in the real world. Having some classes not rigidly attached to a lesson plan makes the students collaborators on their own education. Likewise, it also keeps the teachers sharp and adaptive. Striking the correct balance between flexibility and structure is something Groton excels at and continually strives to achieve.

The faculty and student relationships are a huge aspect of the academic experience at Groton. The examples shown in the video are a microcosm of the way the school functions, where teachers are often mentors, role models, and coaches. The education extends well beyond the classroom; Groton is just as focused on growing socially conscious, well-rounded, and confident individuals as it is on scholastic achievements.

The diverse and talented student body is allowed to play an integral part in its education, and this is just one of the myriad facets of Groton which make it an exemplary and world-class institution.

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To learn more about the Groton School, go to their site at


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