How INFs Can Make More Money

Описание к видео How INFs Can Make More Money

INFJ personality types and INFP personality types frequently struggle with making money. We also struggle with the popular advice to, “follow your bliss.” For INFJ personality types and INFP personality types, our “bliss” is usually writing, music, and/or art, but it can feel very difficult to make a sustainable income from any of these activities.

What most INFJ personality types and INFP personality types don’t understand is that “follow your bliss” is only one piece of the money-making puzzle, and it won’t work unless all the other pieces are in place. In order to truly follow our “bliss,” we also need to find a niche that works for us, where we can do what we love and also offer something to an audience willing to pay us for it.

Finding this kind of niche can be challenging for INFJ personality types and INFP personality types, but once we understand how to do it, everything becomes much easier. And once we’ve found our niche, we have a solid foundation to build a creative business that we love AND that brings us reliable income. Focusing on the nuts-and-bolts of what it takes to run a solopreneur business is important, but so is the psychology of selling and marketing. This is because we not only need to learn how to help our audience in the best way possible, but also because most INFJ personality types and INFP personality types have huge mental resistance to selling and marketing in any form. Once we can overcome this resistance, we can begin following our bliss and launch a creative business that we love.

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