Best of LINMOB Live #1: Maemo Leste on the PinePhone

Описание к видео Best of LINMOB Live #1: Maemo Leste on the PinePhone

Megi's p-boot-demo offers 17 distributions to choose from and I figured it might be nice to see how Maemo Leste runs on the PinePhone. Also in the video are my Nokia N900 running actual Maemo 5 and the Motorola Droid 4 running Maemo Leste.
Please note, that their proper builds may be better than this image as they are likely using a different kernel.

Unfortunately I had a rough day starting the stream and thus the Audio was way to low initially and is not great even after editing. I hope it is bearable.

This segment has been slightly edited. If you want to see the raw footage, head over to


Please tell me below or via Twitter (@linmobblog), Mastodon (@[email protected]) or email ([email protected]) what interests you with regard to the PinePhone and mobile Linux operating systems: Distributions? Use cases? Certain apps? I am really looking forward to your feedback!

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