너무 맛있는 초코 마들렌 | 자세한 설명은 덤

Описание к видео 너무 맛있는 초코 마들렌 | 자세한 설명은 덤

우리 모두 마들렌을 만들어보아요. 최대한 유튜브 영상치고는 자세하게 설명해보았어요!

▶온라인 클래스◀

▶초코 마들렌◀
분량: 6개
마들렌 팬: https://smartstore.naver.com/bakingsu...

전란 40g
우유 5g
꿀 5g
설탕 37g
소금 0.3g
박력분 41g
코코아 파우더 9g
베이킹 파우더 1.5g
버터 50g

공정은 영상 참조해주세요.

판 코팅 할때는 "꼭" 코팅 초콜릿 사용해주세요. 다시 적습니다. 꼭 코팅 초콜릿 사용하세요.

★My Equipments★
Oven: UNOX Bakerlux Shop.Pro Convection oven
Handmixer: Luxel or Tornado
Standmixer: KitchenAid 5 Qrt Bowl-Lift or Kenwood 7 Qrt (https://amzn.to/2Xq5hc9)
Silicone Mat: Silpat(https://amzn.to/3tLB1UL) or Silpat equivalent(https://amzn.to/3zcO5nf)
Perforated Silicone Mat (Mesh): https://amzn.to/3EqgwSw
Hand Blender: Braun MQ 7035X (https://amzn.to/2XsCrb4)
Stand Blender: Vitamix QuietOne (https://amzn.to/3nDPJMj)
Infrared Thermometer: https://amzn.to/39gAaSm
Leveling Bar: This is not the same levelling bar as the one I have used as I bought mine locally in Korea. However, this is the closest I could find: https://amzn.to/3hyiWEA
Zester: Microplane (https://amzn.to/3AitrDf)
Whisk: Matfer

★SUBSCRIBE to my Channel★
   / @hanbitcho  

Hi! I’m Hanbit, professional pastry chef and CEO of Sugar Lane Baking Academy based in Seoul, Korea. Funny enough, my background had nothing to do with baking - far from it. I studied mathematics at university and then worked in finance, strategy consulting and IT. Then one day in 2018, I quit my job and enrolled at a pastry school. I have loved it ever since!

As my story suggests, I really enjoy being a pastry chef and I am keen to share the joy of baking with as many people as possible. Baking can seem daunting at first but as long as you take it step-by-step anyone can do it - even someone with no baking background like myself managed to become a professional pastry chef!

I'll try my best to include detailed explanations and tips in my recipes so that you will be able to bake amazing desserts. I aim to create videos that can be enjoyed by people at all levels - those who bake for fun as well as those who want to get more serious.

  / sugarlane.korea  

★슈가레인 베이킹 스튜디오 수강 문의★

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