GBO2 Geara Doga: The best 500 cost general?!

Описание к видео GBO2 Geara Doga: The best 500 cost general?!

This video contains two matches I had with the recently buffed LV1 Geara Doga on Gundam Battle Operation 2. It is a 500-650 cost general with pretty good mobility, incredible durability, great melee stunlock ability, high melee damage, a heavy stunning wire weapon with excellent range, great stagger accumulation and smoke which allows it to easily ambush enemies. Its major weakness would be that it only has 5 ranged modifier, making it unable to do that much damage in a shooting fight. It is also one of the larger generals at this cost. This suit was recently buffed with +2000 HP, +5 walking speed, +5 boosting speed, +3 turning speed, LV2 Leg Buffer and LV2 Right Shoulder Buffer. I thought that this suit was already the best option for a melee general at 500 cost, so this arguably unneeded buff has only made it stronger. I hope that you enjoy watching!

Its default weapon is a beam machine gun with an attached grenade launcher, but it has weak stagger accumulation, so its best to use the commander type beam machine gun. This has 400x5 (2200) power, 25 ammo, 2 seconds cooldown, 12 seconds reload, 1 second swap time, 400m (450m) range, 3 seconds focus time and 25%x5 (50%) stagger value. This has longer time between bursts than other beam machine guns which means you need to be confident in your aim, but it can stop a boosting raid in just one burst.
Its primary melee weapon is a beam saber with 2100 power, 2.5 seconds cooldown, 0.77 seconds swap time and standard modifiers. This has just decent power on its own but benefits from having much better range than other beam sabers. It can catch people off guard as a combo starter but otherwise is best used in combos with the beam axe.
Its first sub weapon is an electromagnetic wire with 2200 power, 5 seconds cooldown, 0.5 seconds swap time and 120m range. This has 20m longer range than other heat rod style weapons and fires out faster as well, but it veers off to the right while firing. This is an excellent combo starter off any of your stuns but you can use it without set-up if you are confident.
Its second sub weapon is a beam axe with 2400 power, 3 seconds cooldown, 0.5 seconds swap time and standard modifiers. This has short range and longer cooldown than normal, but the fast swap time and high power makes it amazing to use after a wire heavy stagger.
Its third sub weapon is a sturmfaust shield with 1500x2 power, 4 ammo, 6 seconds cooldown, 15 seconds reload, 0.77 seconds swap time, 200m range and 30%x2 stagger value. This has short range and only two shots before reloading, but it has high damage and good splash range. This is excellent to use to stagger in a head on fight or as a second stun after using the beam machine gun.
Its fourth sub weapon is a smoke launcher with 1 ammo, 20 seconds reload, 1.5 seconds swap time and LV1 Stealth for 10 seconds. This can be great in the right situations since it gives you temporary stealth to ambush enemies with.

The LV1 Geara Doga has 19000 HP, 20 ballistic resist and 23 beam/melee resist. This is absolutely ridiculous durability for 500 cost, it would be bulky even at 550 cost. But this durability is raised even further by 15% reduction buffers for the legs and right shoulder along with a 30% reduction buffer for the shield. It also benefits from having both LV1 Maneuver Armor and Emergency Evasion.
It also has 135 walk speed, 210 boosting speed, 70 thrust and 69 turning speed. It is quite nimble despite its size which makes flanking or aiming the wire quite easy, but it lacks Flight Control. It does have LV1 Forced Injectors though, upgraded to LV2 at 650 cost. Furthermore, it gets +5 boosting speed and +3 turning speed at 650 cost.

I really have no idea why Geara Doga was chosen for buffs over definitely weaker suits like Geara Zulu, Gundam MKII or Jegan. It was a somewhat tricky suit to play that has always needed good aim and the ability to fight aggressively in melee, but I always thought it was one of the strongest generals available to those who could master it. Geara Doga can beat up any raid or general in a head on melee fight rather handily, you just need to be able to consistently stun with the beam machine gun and to land raw wire hits as needed. I can highly recommend it if you have already learned how to play simpler melee generals and thus have the fundamentals down. It can be purchased in the DP store starting from Ensign rank but its beam machine gun needs to be acquired through the gacha, though it is a 1 star with four levels so you should get it eventually. Thanks for watching, and I hope that you enjoyed it!

Music used:

Ace Combat 5, Arcade Knock You Down

Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, A Good Thing is Possible


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