"BLACK FRIDAY" After-Thanksgiving Partner WOD (

Описание к видео "BLACK FRIDAY" After-Thanksgiving Partner WOD (

“BLACK FRIDAY” https://wodwell.com/wod/black-friday/
For Time (with a Partner)
200 Box Jump Overs (24/20 in)
150 Wall Balls (20/14 lb)
100 Ground-to-Overheads (100/70 lb)
75 Bar Over Burpees
50 Pull-Ups
Partition the work above any way

Buy-In/Cash-Out: 25-foot Handstand Walk (each)

** How we approached it **
We broke it up into 5 rounds of 40/30/20/15/10 reps and split the handstand walks into 12.5 ft lengths -- and finished in 24:16.

5 rounds seemed to be a good strategy that allowed us to keep moving with minimal rest. We also did small sets where it made sense. We kept our pace around 5 minutes per round, pretty steady, but lost some time due to dealing with the camera and moving equipment around to make room for handstand walks.

If we were in a gym where we could drop the weight, that would have saved us some energy on the ground-to-overhead.

This was our rep scheme each round:
- Box Jumps: Alternating singles
- Wall Balls: 8/8/7/7 each round
- Ground-to-Overhead (we did Snatches): Alternating 2's
- Burpees: Alternating singles
- Pull-Ups: 5/5 each round

Overall, a fun partner workout that you can try any time. Let us know if you do!

With a running clock, partners start with a 25-foot Handstand Walk each. Then complete the 575 cumulative repetitions of Box Jump Overs, Wall Balls, Ground-to-Overheads, Bar Over Burpees, and Pull-Ups in any order, partitioned between partners as needed. Partners do not have to do equal numbers of repetitions (except for the handstand walk). Ground-to-Overheads may be any type of Snatch or Clean-and-Jerk. Once the 575 repetitions are completed, the workout ends with another 25-foot Handstand Walk per partner. Score is the time on the clock when the last partner completes their last Handstand Walk.

Scaling Options:

For Time (with a Partner)
150 Box Jump Overs (24/20 in)
100 Wallballs (20/14 lb)
75 Ground-to-Overheads (100/70 lb)
50 Bar Over Burpees
25 Pull-Ups
Buy-In/Cash-Out: 50-foot Wheelbarrow Walk (each)

For Time (with a Partner)
150 Box Step-Ups (24/20 in)
100 Wallballs (20/14 lb)
75 Ground-to-Overheads (75/55 lb)
50 Burpees
25 Ring Rows
Buy-In/Cash-Out: 25-foot Wheelbarrow Walk (each)

Lisa and Jeremy are 36 and 43-year-old "masters" athletes (115 lb and 200 lb) who have been CrossFitting since 2011 and 2013, and work out mostly in their home garage with their kids these days. Together they are co-creators of WODwell and wodwell.com

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