Day 1: The 7 Day Somatic Practice Challenge

Описание к видео Day 1: The 7 Day Somatic Practice Challenge

Join us for day 1 of The 7 Day Somatic Practice Challenge!

Day 1 is the day to set an intention for the next 7 days! Having a clear intention helps to direct your energy and helps you to stay on track. You can set your own intention or use ours:

My intention for this support programme is to show up for myself each day and do the practice with curiosity and lightness and a willingness to experience how I can change my state of being in a short amount of time.

To go even deeper, take some time to journal on the following prompts. Clarity around these questions will help to make your practices even more powerful:
✨ What makes your heart sing
✨ What you feel like when you are in your element?
✨ How do you want to feel in your day to day life? What do you want your default setting to be?
(for example: Joyful, energised, inspired, peaceful, grounded, calm, abundant, in love with life etc.)

Pop a comment on below and let us know you joined the session, share with another person to be entered into our challenge prize draw! And make sure you register your details into the sign up form so we can contact you:

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