Forgive Family Members For Being Flawed Humans

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Forgive Family Members for Being Flawed
If it wasn't a horrible offense, let it go
Stop carrying hard feeling over a mean comment from years ago

Now that I am over 50, I realize I carried a lot of things around from my childhood and youth that should have been forgotten. I am not talking about real abuse, but minor conflicts with family members who as it turn out had their own "stuff" going on in their lives.

In this video I discuss how a much older family member said something nasty to me when I was in my early 20s, and it bugged me for 30 years. Even though at the time my dad pointed out his person was a bully.... and he counseled me to forget about it.... it stuck with me.

I was the youngest cousin in a very large family. I had nobody my age, and as a teen I longed to have a friendship with these relatives who basically just saw me a kid. Their approval mattered, and it really only came from a few of them.

This one in particular I really wanted to have a connection with, but for all of my life they were dismissive. I did not realize until last year how much this hurt me. Once I came to understand this I was able to forgive and move on.

If you have people in your life whom you are carrying around resentment about (I am not talking if they did evil things....just human things and hurt feelings).... let go and send them love.

#lifeafter50 #lifeover50 #forgiveness

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No matter who you are, you can transform your life after 50.

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This channel is about how to reinvent yourself over 50 (or at any age) and is designed show ways to highlight health over 50, travel over 50, enjoying life over 50, etc... It is true that life gets better after 50 (if you choose to make it true).


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