Summoned to Death

Описание к видео Summoned to Death

Recorded in spring 1995 at Logic Studio; New Hope, Minnesota.
Engineered and mixed by Dan Otterdahl
Produced by Dan Otterdahl and Ossuary

"I fondly recall jamming with Cantor up in his little apartment on the corner of main street (which had a priest as his neighbor! If ever an exorcism was needed!) in Mound (Which had the rather sad acronym of Most Of Us Need Drugs), Minnesota, and together creating the second riff in this track while playing Sonic The Hedgehog game on Sega Genesis while his girlfriend was in labor at the hospital giving birth to his first child, Taylor. I have some great memories of that year as well as some not so great ones like going to some shitty party where I almost got my skull smashed in by some drunken fucking lunatic who just didn't like the way I looked while Cantor was off trying to bang some equally drunken dunce and ended up being told, in no uncertain terms, to get the fuck out of the party. We stumbled out high and drunk, of course, got behind the wheel of his old blue Pontiac Le Mans with only one working door and a cup of beer sitting in the center console and was subsequently pulled over by the police who were, no doubt, called by the party goers themselves since they were waiting for us just outside the driveway of the house. That evening Cantor went to jail for DWI and I was, thankfully and gratefully, given a ride back to his apartment by the police. That is just one of many similar stories regarding my comrade and his love of alcohol and women which always seemed to end badly with fights, spilled blood and hurt feelings and every so often incarceration as they most often do, most unfortunately so, with very few exceptions. However, none of that lessens my admiration and respect for the only human being I've personally ever met that was outright brilliant at everything he put his mind to, without exception...well, booze and women not so much. But that goes for everyone with a love for alcohol and women mixed together and that, most certainly, is without exception! Anyway, the memories of jamming and formulating what would be our first officially finished songs and lyrics and logos and everything that comes along with the eternal brotherhood of creating a band and comradeship for life (and DEATH!) with the all-nourishing, protective armor being the music itself always outweighed the negative shit and shone bright as the guiding beam of moonlight to which a return was, and still is, forever mandatory?"
- Prophet 2015

(Quote from 'The Exorcist III')
" he watches while I rip, and cut, and mutilate the innocent! His friends, and again, and again, and on and on! He is inside with us! He will never get away! His pain won't end!"

His pain won't end!

Repulsive is your christ
And this chaste world of lies
Glorious be my soul
When I am no longer mortal filth

Words of blood bringing death to the crucifix
Summoning of darkness from within
The sinful destruction of all flesh

Tortured god
I bathe in your blood
I rejoice at your death
The cross you glorify I destroy
Wither in the flames as you fall

Victimize the almighty
By these words of blood
You have been summoned to the cross
Image of the soul
A dream of suffering below
Jesus I will destroy you

Kristofer Jacobsen (Cantor Celebrant; Guitars, Vocals)
Chad Hansen (Der Prophet; Guitars, Lyrics)
Jason Weber (Das Rage; Drums)
Mattias Frisk - Artwork

"Das Kreuz war noch nicht schwer genug"


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