Eurorack modular ambient // OP-1 field , Slate&ash Choreographs, Spitfire audio and TX-6

Описание к видео Eurorack modular ambient // OP-1 field , Slate&ash Choreographs, Spitfire audio and TX-6

The departure of summer marks the transition into my favorite time of year, autumn, as 2023 draws nearer.

I haven't been able to upload any videos in these past weeks....
This year has witnessed significant changes, aligning with the direction I believe things should take.
Since childhood, my nature has been one of perpetual activity, often juggling multiple pursuits simultaneously. I need to feel progress, to extract meaning from each day, to make mistakes and learn from them. As someone once said, only those who make decisions can make mistakes. I suspect that the day I no longer feel busy will be the day my departure draws near.

My biggest and personal project this year was to design and improve my home to achieve the highest possible level of environmental energy commitment and reduce my carbon footprint to the maximum that my conditions allow.
Though it has only been a couple of weeks, I have managed to reduce my previous energy consumption from Gas&grid by nearly 80%. Now, solar energy serves as my primary source of energy for all activities in my home, from leisure and dining to everyday living.
The sensation is truly extraordinary yet peculiar (I wonder why I didn't do this sooner). But I guess, as in life, it's not just a financial endeavor; it requires personal effort. But I believe we are all responsible, and we can all contribute to change.

Now more than ever, as the world changes, we should change and evolve as well. (It's what has allowed our species to reach its current state). However, we must now embrace a less self-centered change, not only out of survival but as a commitment to the Earth. A planet we sometimes forget is not ours but belongs to our children, and we are only here temporarily.

Now ... let's talk about music :)
Patch notes and methodology:
Embracing this change, I decided to start some recordings outside my studio, seeking fresh inspiration within the areas of my home while adapting to the limitations of what I could bring along.
I hope that the new visuals and elements surrounding me sparked a sense of creativity.
In this video, I relocated to the living room, where a sizable window granted a view of the garden on a beautiful day, hinting at the imminent arrival of autumn. I spent nearly an hour there, carefully setting up my equipment, immersing myself in the environment, and beginning to sense that something profoundly meaningful was taking shape.

It all begins with some strings and piano melodies that I loaded into #makenoisemorphagene, and #Instruoarbhar, which resamples that signal, making it more granular. In parallel, I route another copy of that signal to Mutable Beads to create rhythmic variations that follow the main beat. Teenage Engineering TX-6 is connected to my MacBook Pro M2 with Ableton Live in multitrack mode, separately carrying the signals from OP-1 Field and the Eurorack.
Additionally, by using the send function on TX-6 mixer, I bring the OP-1 signal into the Eurorack, where I play both standard patch sounds and audio streams that I recorded on it in real-time. This allows me to construct multiple layers of phrases, and I can improvise over them. I find this methodology to be very inspiring, as I end up incorporating one idea after another (which is why recording everything is essential). I spent approximately an hour in this process. Later, several days after, back in my studio, I reviewed all the recorded material and structured the ideas while introducing new interpretations with Spitfire strings and Slate & Ash Choreographs.
Oh, and the latest addition is a sample from a CD of sound samples from India that I purchased more than 25 years ago! (OMG: how time flies)

I find great value in this approach, as allowing some time to pass between the initial recording and the revisitation grants me a fresh and active listening experience. This often leads to the discovery of new elements and inspirations, which I believe result in the most compelling outcomes. I typically commence my creative journey with the eurorack system, sometimes with a predefined concept in mind and at other times with a blank canvas, letting the modular system spark fresh ideas that I can later explore in my studio. It is, in a sense, akin to the call-and-response technique frequently employed in musical development.

And so, within this video, you will find a few minutes of textures, melodies, and emotions. Each of you will interpret and assemble these elements uniquely, yet I hope that, in any case, they resonate with you and uplift your spirits.

I hope you'll find enjoyment in this journey, and I sincerely thank you for accompanying me on it.

P.S. All the audio and video content was recorded, edited, and published using just Solar energy 

#eurorack #ambientmusic #meditationmusic #op1field


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