
Описание к видео 【人気レシピ選】カシューナッツペーストで生まれるコク旨「チキンコルマ」インド大使館直伝レシピ

   • インド大使館  

00:00 紹介ムービー
00:39 材料一覧


鶏むね肉(皮なし) 1㎏ ※骨付きの方がより本格的
植物油 大さじ4
カルダモン(ホール) 3粒
シナモンスティック 3㎝
ベイリーフ 2枚
ニンニク(すりおろし) 大さじ2
ヨーグルト カップ1
コリアンダーパウダー 大さじ1
クミンパウダー 大さじ1
チリパウダー 大さじ1
ガラムマサラ 小さじ1
カシューナッツペースト カップ1
生姜みじん切り 大さじ1
水 カップ1
塩 適量

クローブパウダー 小さじ1/2
カルダモンパウダー 小さじ1/2
ナツメグパウダー ひとつまみ

1kg Chicken breast
4tbsp Vegetable oil
3 Cardamom
3cm Cinnamon stick
2 Bay leaf
2tbsp Garlic
1cup Yoghourt
1tbsp Coriander powder
1tbsp Cumin powder
1tbsp Chili powder
1tsp Garam masala
1cup Cashew nut paste
1tbsp Chopped ginger
1cup Water
Salt as needed

Garam masala grinded right before
1/2tsp Cloves powder
1/2tsp Cardamom powder
Nutmeg as needed


   / @bs4_kitchen  

【Instagram】  / amazingembassycooking  
【Twitter】  / embassycooking  



Learn how to make Chicken Korma, an Indian yogurt and cashew nut based curry, with the help of the chef from the Indian Embassy residence; the recipe involves frying the chicken, adding yogurt and cashew paste, then frying spices till aromatic.


[00:00]The video demonstrates the process of frying the spices and adding chicken to make a yogurt and cashew nut-based curry called Chicken Corma.
Spices are fried to enhance the aroma of the curry.
Chicken is added without the skin and often with the bone for better flavor.
The cooking takes place in the kitchen of the Indian Embassy residence.

[01:42] The chef adds yogurt and cashew paste to the chicken curry, and then fries it with spices for a fragrant aroma.
Chicken is cooked until it turns white.
4 tbsp of yogurt is added to the chicken.
Cashew paste is commonly used in Indian curries.
The oil floats to the top after adding yogurt, indicating it's time to add spices.

[03:26]The chef adds yogurt and cashew nut paste to the dish, and lets it boil for a few seconds.
The oil floating on top indicates that the spices are fried.
Yogurt is added to the dish.
Cashew nut paste is added next.
The chef covers the dish and lets it boil for a few seconds.

¡Aprende a hacer Chicken Korma, un curry hindú a base de yogur y nuez de anacardo, con la ayuda del chef de la residencia de la Embajada de la India! La receta implica freír el pollo, agregar yogur y pasta de anacardo, luego freír las especias hasta que sean aromáticas.


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