Twisted Metal 2: World Tour - Tournament w/ Shadow (HARD)

Описание к видео Twisted Metal 2: World Tour - Tournament w/ Shadow (HARD)

Emulated with Duckstation
Recorded with FRAPS
Controller (EasySMX Wired)

Sub 30min has been achieved so I'm kinda satisfied with this run. There's definitely a few problems throughout the run, but playing this game over and over and over and OVER AGAIN for a deathless run that beats the fastest time will drive any man/woman bat shit insane.

Los Angeles:
Bad start due to the AI doing some unpredictable moves, and me just not responding fast enough. I was already burnt out from numerous attempts on this map so I said fuck it and kept going.

Mediocre run. Nothing good happened here aside from the 3 vehicle bunch up.

Good run although I've had faster. The trick with Hammerhead teleporting into the Eiffel Tower is to place mines somewhat behind where the enemies normally teleport so he stays up there.

Unsatisfactory. Could've been up to a minute faster with good remote bomb aggression, and better use of the Soul Shadow. Standard Minion fight with Shadow and the bridge trick.

New York:
I wasted a damn minute because I completely fucked up the Spectre engagement. It should've been an easy frag once he was first frozen. I made the mistake of not just doing a ram & special combo.

Decent run I believe. I completely whiffed killing Sweet Tooth though.

Good Time, but Bullshit 24/7 on this map. Every decent deathless run ends here 90% of the time... Almost guaranteed reset no matter what vehicle for me, and my shitty luck.

Hong Kong:
No complaints. I'll take it

Dark Tooth:
Get the remote bombs as quickly as possible and draw him towards the sewers. Put your shield on and suicide det.


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