[賤哥的灶卡] 綜合海鮮湯 Mixed Seafood Soup

Описание к видео [賤哥的灶卡] 綜合海鮮湯 Mixed Seafood Soup

前一陣子剛好螃蟹很便宜, 乾脆來做個綜合海鮮湯.
Earlier the crab was so cheap so I decided to make this mixed seafood soup.

材料 Ingredients:
魷魚1隻 Squid 1 count
全蝦約12隻 Whole Shrimp 12 counts
螃蟹1隻 Crab 1 count
魚片2片 Fish Filet 2 counts
蒜頭4顆 Garlic 4 Cloves
薑1小塊 Ginger 1 Piece
洋蔥大半顆 Onion 1 Head
蔥條約1根 Green Onion 1 Stalk, strips
蝦味調味粉1小匙 Shrimp Flavor Seasoning 1 tsp
海鹽鹽花適量 Sea Salt to Season

1. 魷魚先在尾端切一刀
Cut off the end tip
2. 把內臟拉出. 切除. 抽除背脊骨
Pull out the internal organ. Separate from the head. Remove the back bone
3. 把外膜剝除
Remove the outer skins
4. 切成魷魚圈
Slice to make squid rings
5. 魷魚嘴移除. 頭切四份, 腳切條
Remove the mouth. Cut the head into 4 pieces. Slice the squid legs
6. 蝦蝦頭尖角剪除. 蝦腳也剪掉
Cut off the shrimp head tip points and legs
7. 螃蟹洗淨. 拔下方的三角部分拔除
Wash clean the crab. Remove the bottom triangle part
8. 從拔開的洞口, 把螃蟹殼跟身體打開
From the open space, separate the shell from the body
9. 移除螃蟹的肺葉
Remove the crab gills
10. 螃蟹先切對半. 再從身體連腳切開
Cut the crab in half. Then dice the crab
11. 魚片切大塊
Fish filets cut into large chucks
12. 蒜頭拍過切末
Chop the garlics
13. 老姜切片
Slice the ginger
14. 洋蔥切條
Slice the onion
15. 大火熱湯鍋. 放入洋蔥, 加油炒開
Heat the soup pot on high, add onion and oil
16. 洋蔥炒開炒香, 加入蔥條跟薑片
Stir fry the onion, add green onion and ginger
17. 加入蒜末拌炒
Add chopped garlic to stir
18. 加入螃蟹, 蝦跟魷魚
Add crab, shrimp and squid to stir
19. 加入魚片
Add fish
20. 加入滾水, 蓋過食材. 煮滾
Pour in hot water to cover all ingredients. Bring to boil
21. 加入蝦味調味粉
Add shrimp flavor seasonings
22. 先加入一些海鹽
Add sea salt
23. 煮滾, 煮出味道
Bring to boil and flavor
24. 把浮渣撈除
Clean out the foam
25. 煮個5-10分鐘, 食材都熟了即可
Cook for another 5-10 minutes. Ready to serve once all ingredients are cooked


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