DJ Skills & Styles: DJing from analog to digital

Описание к видео DJ Skills & Styles: DJing from analog to digital

In the last fifteen years or so, the average DJ has lost much of their turntable instincts. Laptops and DJ Apps have gone from being a means for traveling lighter to a gig - to being a crutch. When I express this thought, there are those who respond, “So what? The club goers that go see a DJ play could care less about the gear they're using. These people just want to hear good music.” The problem is that with the explosion of DJ technology comes diminished DJ skills and overall DJ laziness. For this reason it is important to learn how to DJ using analog equipment like Turntables and vinyl first.

DJing was never meant to be easy. Especially for beginners. But now, technology is taking away the challenge of becoming an authentic DJ. If you're a controller DJ, and never cultivated the ability to properly interact with turntables, I encourage you to put down the controller and give it a try. You'll be humbled quickly.

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