Xenogears - Id's Rampage (End of Disc 1 Scenes)

Описание к видео Xenogears - Id's Rampage (End of Disc 1 Scenes)

This video connects directly from the last one. Id continues his rampage, and you get to see who Id really is (as if it wasn't hilariously obvious the whole time). The real interesting part of this video is the second half, where Citan has a one on one convo with Fei in flashback form of back when Fei was restrained back a few videos.

Video Spoilers

So after Elly finding out that Id is indeed Fei as everyone else just witnessed, Id proceeds to take out the entire civilization of Solaris in the sky without any real effort. Everyone (except...all the civilians) barely escapes, and before Id catches up with them to kill them, Elly stops Id because Fei obviously cares for her too much, which causes Id to lose control over Fei for now.

For the second half, Citan reveals to Sigurd and Jessie the full details that he learned about Id from talking to him. He explains that it's essentially a multiple personality disorder problem, aka Schizophrenia.

The convo with Id with Citan reveals that Id does not have full control over Fei's mind, although the memory of Fei that everyone knows right now is only sort of a shell of Fei's true memory. Id reveals that there exists a 3rd personality called The Coward, which helps the current Fei personality exist without Id being able to take over.

That's the summary of it, really. Citan explains it much better than I can, so just watch the video lmao (that part starts around 7:19).

Still confused about Id? You'll find out even more soon enough...Yes, it goes even deeper than that (such as how Id came to be in the first place).



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