Letter To Laodicea | Revelation

Описание к видео Letter To Laodicea | Revelation

This sermon unpacks Jesus' strong words of challenge to the Church in Laodicea. Jesus alone is uniquely placed as the faithful & true witness to speak these words to his Church. 

He challenges them on their spiritual luke warmness. They have become spiritually apathetic, lazy, lacking in purpose, and nauseating. An inevitable outcome of their idolisation of wealth & material comfort. 

Jesus firmly in love urges them to see he is at the door, knocking, and desiring that they would turn to being spiritually red hot. They are encouraged to welcome Jesus in, repenting of their luke warmness and turning towards zealously living for God in every part of their lives. 

Lord, let us welcome you in to every part of our lives, and as we do fan into flame a red hot zeal for you and the things of your Kingdom.


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