Running Form: Running with your Hip Power

Описание к видео Running Form: Running with your Hip Power Runners learn to use their Core, Hips, and Pelvis when running for Power Production, Fluid Form, and Injury Resistance. When this part of your body is doing the Lions share of the power work, as it should, the legs can do what they do best, without all the garden variety injures, synergistically help with speed and navigation. In twenty five years of helping injured runners get back to it, I would have to say that the single most important anatomical part of our bodies to get right, when it comes to fluid, efficient, effortless motion is the Pelvis. In addition to performance limitations, an immobile pelvis could be the cause of any number of the garden-variety injuries we runners get.
The pelvis and the hips are often spoken of together in the runner’s vocabulary, and referred to as the hips. Immobility of the pelvis often causes the hips to be poorly aligned, often held in a flexed position, making it impossible for the power that needs to be come out of this area to be manifest. I think there are some misconceptions as to how this area works when running. The word stabilization can be understood to mean ‘held’ so as not to move. I often hear that this muscle stabilizes this and that muscle stabilizes that, and don’t give it much thought. But when I go out to run the link between the word “stabilize” and the word “hold” blends in my thinking and action. Many people I’ve worked with over the years never thought to feel their pelvis moving when they run. Many have commented, “I thought that the pelvis should be still.” The pelvis becomes the lost continent. It has fallen out of awareness, gets stuck in a position, muscles that must work in concert fall out of balance. It becomes hard to contact and work with consciously. Our sitting culture compounds this issue.
We want to reinstate a dynamic stabilization. That is a stability that is a product of the dynamic use and movement of the torso in relation to the hips, that is the counter-movement and twisting of the shoulders and swing of the arms to that of the opposite pelvic segment, hip and leg. So the stability is a product of the central core muscles around the spine engaging while the muscles responsible for power production are free and able to move through their specific range of motion, aiding stability and control where needed but able to relax as well. The hips could be thought of as big wheels that need to move freely in all three cardinal planes.


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