Yoga to Activate Manipura Chakra ( Solar plexus )

Описание к видео Yoga to Activate Manipura Chakra ( Solar plexus )

The chakras relate to the physical and emotional aspects of our being. When in balance, we feel healthy and at peace. When blocked, chakras can cause emotional and physical distress.

The Manipura chakra provides a source of personal power and relates to self-esteem, warrior energy, and the power of transformation. 

Imbalances of the solar plexus can also manifest in the physical body such as FATIGUE, OVEREATING, EXCESSIVE WEIGHT around the stomach, and digestive system disorders such as IBS, ULCERS, hypoglycemia, and DIABETES.

Practicing yoga postures with mindful breathing helps release tension in the solar plexus, physically, mentally, and emotionally


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