One Life to Live 2/13/1991

Описание к видео One Life to Live 2/13/1991

Before the wedding, Clint and Viki pose for portraits with the happy couple and the two Roberts children. Clint asks Kevin (now played by Joey Thrower) to check on his siblings and make sure they are ready to go to Asa’s hotel for the ceremony. Jake asks Max if he found out anything from Gabrielle. Max says she’s definitely up to something but he didn’t get any specifics. Bo tells Jake that Nat is very close to devising the antidote to the drug Carlo stole. Megan brings Hunter to the wedding as her date. Gabrielle shows up at Carlo’s suite to say she can’t go through with the plan. She’s worried because Viki just finished recovering from a stroke and the drug could have unexpected effects. Carlo says it’s too late to back out. He promises the drug won’t physically harm her, it will just change her attitude and make her more compliant. Sheila is cold to Rika because she saw her and Kerry at Andy’s Place the other day after Rika said she and Kerry weren’t going to date anymore. Gabrielle checks the drug vial and is nearly caught by Max. After another cryptic conversation with Gabrielle, Viki wonders whether she is friend or foe. Jake tells Viki to be careful and not take any chances, but Viki thinks she’s safe for at least today, with just friends and family around. Clint says Asa called and won’t be able to make the wedding because he’s fogged in at the airport. Clint offers to walk Tina down the aisle in his father’s place.

The wedding ceremony begins. This time around Cord and Tina are relieved to hear no objections or interruptions. Soon the couple are officially, legally, married again for the third time. Gabrielle continues to have doubts about Carlo’s plan. Kerry crashes the reception to find Rika. Megan is annoyed by Jake’s presence at the wedding, though he says he was hired as security. She keeps seeing him and Viki talking and is afraid Jake is pestering her mother. Tony drops in and asks if Andy can borrow his car because hers broke down. After Jake gives him the keys, Tony spots Gabrielle. He watches from behind her as, hand shaking, she pours the drug into a drink. Though he doesn’t see what she’s done, he does see her stash the vial in a nearby plant. Jake tells Bo to keep an eye on Gabrielle. He says Viki thinks everything is cool, but he’s less certain. While Max gives his toast, Gabrielle pretends to accidentally bump into Viki, causing her to spill her champagne. Gabrielle says she feels awful and offers Viki her own glass instead. Jake sees this and says Gabrielle has made her move. He tries to get to Viki and warn her, but Megan stops him, insisting they need to talk. Max finishes his toast, and as Gabrielle watches, VBiki raises the drugged champagne to her lips.


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