One Life to Live 2/14/1991

Описание к видео One Life to Live 2/14/1991

As Max gives his Best Man’s toast, Carlo watches through the cracked open ballroom doors to ensure Gabrielle is executing their plan. He is confronted by Asa, who has finally returned. As the toast ends, Jake fights to stop Viki from drinking the dosed champagne that Gabrielle has given her, but Megan refuses to let him go. Viki raises her glass to the happy couple before taking a tiny sip of the bubbly. Megan continues to hold up Jake, saying he needs to stop harassing Viki. Jake says she can think whatever she wants, but he doesn’t have time to have this argument right now. He makes his way to Viki and tells her to play it cool and not react, but that he suspects her drink has been drugged. Next, he asks Max to distract Gabrielle so he can get Viki alone without her overhearing. Jake explains what he saw happen and suggests Clint take her to the hospital even though she only drank a small amount. Viki says if she leaves now, Gabrielle will be on to them which they don’t want. She covertly switches drinks with Jake and toasts with him before taking a big swig of the undrugged champagne as Gabrielle continues to watch her. Sheila catches the bride’s bouquet, though when Troy kisses her on the cheek, she insists she was not trying to catch it. Jake brings the drugged flute to Bo to have tested. Jake promises to keep an eye on Viki, since she had a sip of the drink before he could intervene, while Bo brings the tainted beverage to Nat Olanov. After Gabrielle and Max leave, Jake tries to convince Viki to go to the hospital, but she says she’ll wait and see whether she has any effects from the small dose she drank.

Gabrielle goes up to Carlo’s suite and reports that Viki ingested the drugged drink. Cord and Tina sneak off to their hotel room during the reception. Cord says they need to stop procrastinating and name their daughter. Alex calls her father and he tells her how to test whether the champagne was drugged. The test proves that the champagne has, in fact, been tampered with. Wanda tells Asa and Renee she’s planning to sell Heavenly Hash. Larry and Brenda arrive late at the reception. Jake and Viki spot Gabrielle returning to the party and, correctly guessing she was having a tête-à-tête with Carlo, they decide to separate and give Gabrielle a chance to make her next move. Gabrielle asks Viki for her earrings. Viki looks confused for a moment, but then smiles and complies. Gabrielle, satisfied that the drug has had its desired effect, whispers something to Viki. Jake tries to make his way over to Viki but he is interrupted by a call from Bo confirming that Nat’s drug was in the drink. Meanwhile, Viki has made her way to the exit, though she tells Clint she’s just stepping outside for a moment. By the time Jake looks up, he can’t find Viki. He enlists Max’s help, but unbeknownst to them, Viki is, at that moment, getting into Carlo’s limousine. Carlo asks Viki for an introduction to Niki Smith, but Viki refuses. Jake asks Megan if she’s seen her mother, and she says she hasn’t. When he leaves, Megan says Jake seemed worried, and maybe something is actually up. Viki returns to the ballroom, looking and acting very much like Niki Smith. She asks Megan if she can dance with her date, Hunter. It doesn’t take Megan long to realize she is looking at Niki and not Viki.


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