Pineapple cookies 🍍 可爱的小菠萝凤梨酥

Описание к видео Pineapple cookies 🍍 可爱的小菠萝凤梨酥

Pineapple cookies (Makes 12)
85g softened butter
30g powdered sugar
1g salt
25g almond flour
6g pumpkin powder / cheese powder/ cake flour (pumpkin powder is for colour)
8g milk powder
40g room temp. beaten egg
125g cake flour
1g matcha powder

300g pineapple filling
*egg yolk wash
- Mix together butter and sugar
- Mix in salt, almond flour, pumpkin powder (for colour, substitute with cheese powder or cake flour), and milk powder
- Add egg in a few additions, mixing well after each addition
- Sift in cake flour and mix till incorporated
- Weigh out 24g of dough and mix with matcha powder
- Wrap both dough with cling wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes
- Weigh out 25 grams of filling each
- Wrap filling in dough, shape into an oval
- Dust mould with cornstarch, tap off excess
- Press matcha dough onto leaf part of the mould, then place oval dough in and press
- Brush off excess cornstarch with a brush
- Freeze shaped dough for 30 minutes
- Preheat oven to 200/390F, lightly mist the cookies and cover the green part with aluminum foil
- Bake for 5 minutes at 200C
- Then reduce heat to 170C/340F and bake for 15-20 minutes

**With egg yolk wash**
Omit pumpkin powder and use cheese powder or cake flour in the dough
- Lightly mist frozen dough, then bake at 200C for 5 minutes
- Brush a thin layer of egg yolk
- Cover green part with aluminum foil and bake at 170C for 10 minutes
- Brush another layer of egg yolk and bake for another 10 minutes or until golden brown

85g 软化黄油
30g 糖粉
1g 盐
125g 低筋面粉
25g 杏仁粉
6g 南瓜粉/ 芝士粉/ 低筋面粉 (要刷蛋液的就不用南瓜粉了,换芝士粉或低粉)
8g 奶粉
40g 室温蛋液
1g 抹茶粉

300g 凤梨馅

- 黄油和糖粉一起混合均匀
- 加入盐,杏仁粉, 南瓜粉,和奶粉搅拌均匀
- 分次加入蛋液,每次都搅拌均匀
- 筛入低筋面粉翻拌至无干粉
- 分出24g 面团加入1g 抹茶粉
- 面团都包上保鲜膜冷藏30分钟
- 凤梨馅分成25g小球
- 原味面团分23g 一个,抹茶面团分成2g 一个
- 模具里撒上玉米淀粉
- 原味面团包上凤梨馅,滚成椭圆型
- 抹茶面团压在叶子部分,叶子部分刷上少许蛋液(就薄薄的一层!!)
- 再放入原味面团压型
- 用毛刷刷掉多余的淀粉
- 成型的小菠萝冷冻20-30分钟
- 烤箱预热200C,面团喷少许水,绿色部分盖上锡纸
- 预热烤箱里烤5分钟
- 降温至170C 烤20分钟

- 不加南瓜粉,加低粉或芝士粉
- 冷冻好的面团喷少许水
- 200C 烤5分钟定型
- 刷上薄薄一层蛋黄液,绿色部分盖上锡纸
- 降温至170C 烤10分钟
- 再拿出来刷上蛋黄液
- 再烤10分钟左右

Music (soundstripe)
Glaswing - Rose colored


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