Easy Core Exercises for Beginners-Intermediate Home Routine (20 Minutes)

Описание к видео Easy Core Exercises for Beginners-Intermediate Home Routine (20 Minutes)

These easy core exercises strengthen and tone your core abdominal muscles, trim your waist, strengthen your lower back and your glutes (butt). Physio Michelle from https.www.pelvicexercises.com.au guides your through these pelvic floor safe exercises for beginners and intermediate level. These core exercises are modified to suit most individuals with pelvic floor problems (weakness, mild-moderate prolapse or incontinence).

This core exercises routine progresses your abdominal core training from our core exercises for absolute beginners. The exercises in this home exercises routine will strengthen and tone your deep abdominal core muscles. buttocks, lower back and hip muscles. All the exercises have been selected or modified to avoid pelvic floor overload for individuals with pelvic floor problems.

This physio guided core routine includes:
Leg extensions with deep abdominal activation
Floor bridges with buttock activation
Combination upper and lower body lying leg extension exercises
Side plank exercises (including modified for beginners)
Prone plank (including modified for beginners)
Bird dog with deep abdominal muscle activation

This core exercise routine can be performed daily at home or in the gym to improve deep core muscle strength and control.

Easy Core Exercises for Beginners Starting Out Home Routine    • Easy Core Exercises for Beginners Hom...  

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