Nutrition Essentials Protein Foods

Описание к видео Nutrition Essentials Protein Foods

The Protein Foods Group is part of a healthy eating plan. The protein foods group contains both animal and plant-based foods.

🌟FOODS. The Protein Foods Group includes: meat, fish, poultry, egg, legumes, nuts, seed, and nut butters.

Legumes such as black beans, pinto bean, kidney beans, chickpeas etc. can be counted in either the vegetable group or protein foods group.

🌟NUTRIENTS. The Protein Foods group is a good source of the following nutrients: protein, vitamin B12, iron, zinc, and magnesium.

🌟 EQUIVALENTS. Amounts that count as 1 ounce of protein foods: 1 oz meat, poultry, or fish; 1 egg; 1/4 cup cooked beans/legumes; 1/2 oz nuts or seeds; 1 Tbs peanut or other nut butter.

🌟TIPS. Vary your intake with some animal and some plant based proteins. When choosing meat or poultry select lean varieties..

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