Day 65: The Three Publishing Paths

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As we move into your final push to write your book in the 90-Day Novel Challenge, sometimes it's helpful to start dreaming (just a little bit) about how you might publish your book. Remember that you can't publish anything you haven't written, so don't get carried away. Your top priority is still to finish your book manuscript.

In today's publishing ecosystem, we see three major opportunity segments: self-publishing, small press, and traditional publishing (also known as "Big-5"). There are good opportunities in all three of these segments, but also bad actors who would love to scam you out of our money. What's the right publishing path for you?

ASSIGNMENT: Write for one hour. Write at least 1,000 new words for your manuscript.

FOR FURTHER STUDY: Download The Three Publishing Paths by Brad Pauquette and continue your exploration of this topic. Get it for free here:

Want Brad to do a seminar for your writers group on The Three Publishing Paths. Reach out to him via his website


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