【新加坡Singapore】大巴窑—昔日的大沼泽、贫民窟 Toa Payoh Tail

Описание к видео 【新加坡Singapore】大巴窑—昔日的大沼泽、贫民窟 Toa Payoh Tail


In the early days of Singapore’s opening as a port, Toa Payoh was just a mangrove swamp, and the Chinese went to Kaiba to live in the middle of the 19th century.


The former "Great Swamp" has gradually become a kampong with the efforts of several generations, but the Kampong area of ​​Toa Payoh at that time was a well-known "slum" in everyone’s eyes. The residents were either farmers, hawkers, factory workers or domestic helper.


Throughout the 1960s and early 1980s, Toa Payoh was as "notorious" as Geylang today, when it was home to some of Singapore's largest crime syndicates and gangs.


Private gang members often haunt here, and more than 200 crimes have been involved in nine months. It is the first satellite town in the local area to set up a neighborhood police post. Therefore, Toa Payoh was also called "Singapore Chicago" by the media at that time.

Host: JJ
Video Filming/Producing: MM,JJ


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