
Описание к видео 今日茶席,第167席【中國趣味】

17-18世紀法國兩代皇帝路易十四、十五都酷愛中國器物。法文 “Chinois”指中國或中國人,所以一切受到中國風格影響的器物、建築、繪畫也就以 “Chinoiserie“(中國風或中國趣味)稱之。
早期中國風,因對東方認識不夠,模仿之余插科打諢。但後期中國風,因德國麥森成功燒出媲美景德鎮瓷器的“青花洋蔥瓷器繫列”(blue and white Onion series)而成型。錶面看其花卉非驢非馬,但細看其中國風味,卻如印象主義一般抽離現實,掙脫中國古典窠臼,自成一家。
路易十四時期,法國皇家制瓷中心“塞芙爾”瓷廠長期生產軟瓷( soft paste),雖難與德國“麥森”堅薄的硬瓷(hard paste)匹敵,但外觀紋飾模仿中國,又有所創新。西方瓷器蓬勃的“中國風”一時方興未艾。

茶品 / 2014年大紅袍
急須 / 矢島操黑白刻花鳥銀彩急須
壺承 / 大森健司銀彩赤土缽
水註 / 菊地保壽堂vintage灰色卵形急須
茶杯 / Kalonji 銀彩筒杯
茶荷/ 大山求花型鐵皿
茶針/ 村上和香奈銀茶針
茶濾 / 19世紀末英國風車柄銀茶濾
茶盤 / 1853年英國EDWARD CHALLINOR“中國風”墨彩瓷菱形盤

🍵今日の茶席 第167回 【中国趣味】🍵

🍵Today's Tea Party No.167 [Chinoiserie]🍵
In the 18th century, Enlightenment thinkers respected Chinese reason and intelligence, and continued to import Chinese tools, ceramics, furniture, embroidery, wallpaper, etc. to Europe. The "Chinese style" that began in Europe seems to have become "national" now.
The French emperors Louis XIV and Louis XV of the 17th and 18th centuries loved Chinese tableware very much. The French word "Chinois" refers to China or the Chinese people, and tableware, architecture, paintings, etc. influenced by the Chinese style were all called "Chinoiserie".
Early Chinoiserie was merely an imitation or mockery due to insufficient awareness of Eastern culture. However, in later Chinoiserie, culture developed, as when Meissen in Germany succeeded in firing "Blue Onion" that was comparable to Jingdezhen(景徳鎮) porcelain. The floral pattern on the surface is difficult to describe, but if you look closely, you can definitely see the Chinese flavor. Like Impressionism, it is an abstraction from reality, and has become a style that breaks away from the mold of classical Chinese.
Chinoiserie was all the rage in the upper class of 18th century France. French merchants had to pay gold and silver to buy trade goods, so gold and silver in the country rapidly flowed out. It is true that the prices of imported porcelain and silk products were high, and they made surprising profits, but long-distance transportation required time and effort, and there was a high risk of sinking. The only solution to this problem was to produce porcelain of the same quality domestically.
During the reign of Louis XIV, Sèvres, the center of French royal porcelain, had been producing earthenware (soft paste) for a long time, but it could not match the hard and thin porcelain (hard paste) of Meissen in Germany. However, the painted patterns imitate China and are also fresh. Chinoiserie, full of Western vitality, was developing vigorously at that time.


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