One Life to Live 2/18/1991

Описание к видео One Life to Live 2/18/1991

Gabrielle wakes up to find Carlo in her living room. He tells Gabrielle he’d like her to set up a date for him with Niki. Gabrielle threatens to call the police and tell them about the tape he is holding over her. Carlo calls her bluff, but he promises more money will come her way if she sticks with the plan. CJ gets acquainted with his new baby sister, while Cord and Tina prepare for the baptism and try to settle on a name. Megan tells Jake he’s stooped to a new all-time low. Jake says she’s got it wrong. He says when she approached Niki yesterday, he was just trying to help. Megan doesn’t believe him, but Jake says if she knew the situation, she would feel differently. Joey and Kevin argue about whether Niki should go to the baptism. Clint tells them and Jessica that they’re all in this together, but that he’d like them all to stay at Asa’s for the next couple days. Clint is on edge and snaps at Tina when she tries to help. He apologizes and says he wants Tina and Cord to focus on the baby. Bo wants to know why Jake didn’t tell him that Niki had reemerged. Jake tells Bo that Viki is faking. Cord and Tina enlist Asa and Renee to help them settle on a name.

DuAnn pays Gabrielle a visit and blackmails her out of the $10,000 she got from Carlo. Julia overhears the conversation from the next room and realizes she must have gotten the money from Carlo. Jake tells Clint that he clued Bo in about Viki faking the return of Niki Smith. Cord asks Bo to be the baby’s godfather. He says Renee will step in for Viki as godmother. Cord and Tina have decided on a name, but Cord says it’s a surprise and everyone will find out at the baptism. Tony reminisces about performing baptisms when he was still a man of the cloth. Andy asks if he’s told the bishop his decision yet. As the guests arrive for the baptism, Megan is not happy to see Jake among the guests. Jake does immediately make himself useful, though, as he prevents Gabrielle from going upstairs to see Viki. At the appropriate moment in the baptism ceremony, the priest asks for the child’s name, and Tina reveals she will be named Sarah Victoria. Bo and Megan both nod approvingly.


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