Kapha Dosha Remedies 👃🏼 💨 Double Inhale Breathing Pranayama

Описание к видео Kapha Dosha Remedies 👃🏼 💨 Double Inhale Breathing Pranayama

Kapha dosha remedies focus on balancing the kapha dosha. The double inhale breathing pranayama exercise is super easy and great for beginners. It brings in more oxygen, more PRANA into the body, which balances the kapha dosha.

Kapha is made up of earth and water, so by bringing in more air, more prana, you are balancing the elements, which balances the doshas.

The double inhale breathing pranayama exercise is simple and easy for beginners. Start slow and work your way up.

How to:
- Start by sitting comfortably on a mat or chair. (use block or bolster if on the ground). Hands facing up on your knees or lap
- Take 3 full cleansing breaths in and out (focus on breathing through your lower abdomen)
- Take your first inhale through your NOSE and lift your hands up to shoulder height.
- Take your second inhale through your NOSE and lift your hands up to the top of your head
- Flip your palms over and Exhale through your MOUTH, lowering your hands. (your hands will naturally want to flip over at the top, allow this)
- Continue how many rounds feels good

- start slow and then increase your speed as you feel comfortable
- start with 20, then 50 then work your way up to 108

You will feel SO full of LIFE through this breath and ready to take on the day or shift your mood.

Light yourself UP!

High on prana,


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DISCLAIMER: The content contained herein is provided for informational and/or entertainment purposes only. Nothing contained in these videos should be construed as providing medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should immediately consult with your physician respecting any medical concerns that you may have.


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