Cut Cowboy Level - Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko Beta

Описание к видео Cut Cowboy Level - Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko Beta

A showcase of the cut "Cowboy" level. This level survived the cut and remains in the memory of the retail release, albeit access to it is only possible via memory editing. This was previously found about two years ago, so this might not be anything new, but regardless it's here for showcase purposes. I missed a few minor things too in this showcase, but I mention stuff I missed below.
I only demonstrated one remote collection for this level as the other objectives, like in many other levels, don't work correctly. However, text for the objectives remains, which I'll also list below.

As for the level itself, it's as you'd expect. A Western style with a fairly simple layout, with plenty of interiors and enemies dotted about. The enemies found are what appears to be a ghost cowboy, and an unkillable (likely a bug) tumbleweed that knows nothing other than chomping Gex's tail. Dotted about are target cut-outs which can be shot using the machine gun, and chickens amongst an assortment of miscellaneous scene dressing. A number of the buildings can be entered and the interiors aren't too far from what you'd expect from a Western level, such as a jail house, saloon, an inn, and a bank. While they're not entirely finished, even bare in some areas, the general ideas with the level are quite apparent. I'm not sure what the key pickup found on the inn balcony was supposed to do, since it just replays the intro cutscene, but it most likely had something to do with the jail house cells. This is just hindsight thought though, since I never actually bothered to check. My automatic assumption with anything in this build is "it probably doesn't work/do anything", and I'm probably right again with this key.

Since the text for the objectives didn't show up in the "Select Hint" menu for some reason, I took to digging through the data, since visual observation only gets us so far. Looking at the data for this level reveals the text for the objectives, which were:
"Shoot the seven targets", "Break into the bank, blow the safe" and "Collect the five sheriff badges".
Selecting the Targets objective will play the cutscene shown in the video, selecting the Bank one will play a cutscene showing the TNT inside the bank, while the Badges objective will play a cutscene inside of the church. I forgot to show it here, but it can be briefly seen at 6:20, there's a fire powerup that would've been used to ignite the explosives. It can't be collected since the climbable walls are bugged, and even if it could be, the fire spit doesn't actually ignite the explosives. The pits found in the jail house and the bank are connected as a tunnel, but impossible to traverse between due to the bugged climbable walls, so I didn't show it off.

I'm not sure how I feel about this level. If it were connected with the other Western style level, that'd be pretty neat, but this seems like a separate level entirely which seems a bit redundant, honestly, but the level also seems pretty small compared to other levels too, now that I think about it. This level has a few things of interest dotted about, like the "OJ was here" in the cell, and the rather sensual edit of Gex for the wall painting found in the inn. I don't think they were reused anywhere else after this level got dropped. The painting was supposed to hide the secret room containing two televisions with lives, but the wall is only one way, for some reason.

Just a few things to note. The gun emplacements are a bit bugged. Aside from lacking audio assets, and being stuck firing, dismounting from one has a fairly good chance of dropping you below the emplacement, trapping you. The "Hank is feeble minded!!!!!!!" prompt seems to appear whenever an entity that is important is on screen. This message pops up in other levels with enemies that need to be killed for other objectives, and usually disappears when said entities are off screen. I've heard this message appears in the final game when a script has bugged out. How true this is, I don't know, but it seems reasonable. Also, this build has a bunch of other prompts in a similar fasion and these occur usually when picking up items in Bonus stages or completing minigames, such as "Large Fries, Super Size" when beating the flea minigame.

The next level that I will showcase will be the cut Villa (Village?) level that was supposed to be exclusive to the N64 version, and likely paired with the Fairytale TV section of levels.
I'll also cover more of the bonus levels at some point, but I think I'll stick them in one continuous video, rather than do them separately.


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