MUSACA GRECEASCĀ - cu vinete,cartofi, carne de vitã si sos Bechamel | GREEK MOUSSAKA

Описание к видео MUSACA GRECEASCĀ - cu vinete,cartofi, carne de vitã si sos Bechamel | GREEK MOUSSAKA

Reteta tradionalã greceascã de musaca, asa cum o prepara legume în prealabil prajite sau coapte, la care se adaugã un sos delicios de carne de vitã si minunatul sos Bechamel. O combinatie de exceptie! V-o recomand cu drag!

2 vinete
3 cartofi mari
800 gr carne tocata de vita
1 ceapa
2 catei de usturoi
2 linguri de bulion
300 ml de suc de rosii
1 lingurita sare
1 lingurita cimbru
1/2 lingurita de scortisoara
1/4 lingurita piper
2 linguri patrunjel tocat
1 lingura busuioc tocat
1 frunza de dafin
parmezan ras deasupra

Bechamel: 1 lintru de lapte, 120 gr unt, 120 gr faina, sare,piper,nucsoara, 3 galbenusuri si 50 gr parmezan ras

Greek traditional moussaka with eggplant, potatoes, beef sauce and Bechamel. In my opinion one of the best recipe and delicious moussaka I have ever taste it.

2 eggplant
3 large potatoes
800 g minced beef
1 onion
2 garlic cloves
2 tbsp tomato paste
300 ml tomato sauce
1 tsp salt
1 tsp thyme
1/2 tsp cinamon
1/4 tsp pepper
2 tbsp chopped parsley
1 tbsp chopped basil
1 bay leaf
grated parmesan on top

Bechamel: 1 litre milk, 120 gr flour, 120 gr butter, salt,pepper, nutmeg, 3 egg yolk and 50 gr finely grated parmesan


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