
Описание к видео ダブルショコラ&ナッツのふわふわ食パン/スイートショコラブレッドの作り方/バレンタインのパン作りはこれで完結2023


強力粉(はるゆたかブレンド) 200g
準強力粉(リスドォル) 50g
きび砂糖 25g
ココアパウダー 10g
卵黄 1個
バターミルクパウダー 10g
塩(ゲランドの塩 ) 3g
インスタントドライイースト 3g
無塩バター 20g
水  145g


強力粉 15g
砂糖  25g
コーンスターチ 5g
ココアパウダー 10g
牛乳 60g
卵白 20g
DARS(甘さ控えめミルク)1箱 47.5g

● クッキングペーパーを2枚重ねにして25cm×20cmの折り目をつけて準備しておく
① 強力粉に砂糖、コーンスターチ、ココアパウダーを入れ、よくかき混ぜてから牛乳を入れて混ぜ合わせたらラップせずに電子レンジ600Wで1分加熱。
② 1回目の加熱後、よくかき混ぜてから細かくカットしたチョコレートを入れてもう一度よく混ぜる。
③ 2回目の加熱後、よくかき混ぜる。

チョコチップ お好みの量で❗️
胡桃 40g
アーモンド 15g
※胡桃とアーモンドは事前にローストして小さくカットしておく(ローストは150℃ 10分)

一次発酵 35℃ 45分〜50分程度で生地が2倍ぐらいになるまで発酵させる。
二次発酵 35℃ 60分程度で端の方を指で押して跳ね返りはあって少し指の形が残るぐらいまで発酵


① ベンチタイム後に打ち粉をして生地を22cm×40cmまで伸ばし、ショコラシートを生地の上2/3に置いて密着させる。 
② 上1/3の生地を持ち上げてショコラシートを乗せたシート半分の所まで折る。残りの生地のその上に折る。
③ 強力粉を台、生地にに振り、縦40cmぐらいまで伸ばし、三つ折りをする。

アーモンドスライス ※お好みで!
200℃ 10分
180℃ 20分

トッピング用ホワイトチョコ 適量



Sweet Chocolate Bread
200 g bread flour (Haruyutaka blend)
50 g semi strong flour (LysDor)
25g cane sugar
10 g cocoa powder
1 egg yolk
10 g buttermilk powder
(skim milk can be substituted)
3 g salt (salt of Guerande)
(Ordinary salt can be substituted.
3 g instant dry yeast
20 g unsalted butter
145 g water
Can be substituted with Haruyokoi. Please adjust with 150g water.

Kneading time: about 22 min.
*Check the gluten to determine the kneaded dough. Please use the time as a guide.

Chocolat sheet
15g bread flour
25 g sugar
5 g cornstarch
10 g cocoa powder
60g milk
20g egg white
1 box of DARS (sweetened milk) 47.5g

How to make the chocolat sheets
Prepare two layers of cooking paper with 25cm x 20cm folds.
1) Put sugar, cornstarch and cocoa powder into strong flour, stir well, add milk and mix, then heat in microwave oven at 600W for 1 minute without wrapping.
(2) After the first heating, stir well, then add the finely cut chocolate and mix well again.
When well mixed, add the egg whites and mix well again, then microwave at 600W for 1 minute and 30 seconds. 
3) After the second heating, stir well.
Chocolate chips As much as you like. ❗️
I used 20g.
40g walnuts
15 g almonds
Roast the walnuts and almonds in advance and cut into small pieces (roast at 150℃ for 10 minutes)

Fermentation time
First fermentation: 35°C, 45-50 minutes, until the dough has doubled in size.
Second fermentation: Fermentation at 35℃ for 60 minutes until the edges of the dough bounce back when pressed with a finger and a little finger shape remains.

Bench time
Do not divide and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

(1) After bench time, roll out the dough to 22cm x 40cm with flour and place a chocolat sheet on the top 2/3 of the dough to make it adhere to the dough. 
(2) Lift the top 1/3 of the dough and fold it to half of the sheet with the chocolat sheet on top. Fold the remaining dough over it.
3) Sprinkle flour on the dough and the base, roll out the dough to about 40 cm in length, and fold it in three. 4) Turn the dough 90 degrees.
(4) Turn the dough 90 degrees and place it in a different direction. (5) Stretch the dough a little vertically, cover with plastic wrap and a tightly wrung wet cloth, and leave to rest for 10 minutes.
⑤Stretch the dough again with a rolling pin from the center up and from the center down repeatedly until the dough measures 20cm x 40cm.
(6) Cut the stretched dough lengthwise into two equal portions, place nuts and chocolate chips on one side of the dough, and roll it around from the front, then place nuts and chocolate chips on the other side of the dough, place the previously rolled dough on top, and roll it around again.
(7) Place the dough on top of the rolled dough and wrap the dough around again.
(7) Put the dough into the mold with the cross section up and put it into the mold for the second fermentation.
If you are using a rectangular 1-loaf mold, do not roll the dough together, but roll two rolls with the cross sections facing up.

Drizzle with the remaining egg whites.
Top with remaining chocolate chips, walnuts and almonds.
Almond slices to taste* To taste!
200℃ for 10 min.
180℃ 20 min.

White chocolate for topping, as desired
*Heat the white chocolate in hot water at about 55℃.
Powdered sugar can be used as a substitute.

Molds used
1 loaf of bread
12 x 12 x 12 cm (height 12 cm)



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