
Описание к видео チョコとコーヒーのリッチでマイルドな甘さがたまらない😍コーヒービートとショコラクリームのショコラビートブレッド☕チラ見えするショコラ生地が可愛い成形/パン作りのアイデアは広がり続けます!




生地作りはスペシャルで カカオパウダーを入れる時の大切な注意点もご紹介していますので、

Chocolate Beat 🍫

Good evening, everyone.🤗❤️
This is the first batch of chocolate bread ❗️
Introducing this cute chocolate beet with a hint of chocolate dough 🙌

The chocolate dough is made with delicious chocolate cream and a nostalgic coffee beat for a little rich fancy bread 🤭 💓

This is a cute bread that will heal your body tired from the cold weather, so please enjoy making it with me 🙌 😍

The dough making is special, and I also introduce important precautions when adding cacao powder.
Please refer to that as well 😄


強力粉(春よ恋) 250g
砂糖 25g
バターミルクパウダー 10g
塩(ゲランドの塩 ) 3g
インスタントドライイースト 3g
無塩バター 20g
牛乳 60g
水  110g


ココアパウダー 10g

一次発酵 35℃ 45分〜50分程度で生地が2倍ぐらいになるまで発酵させる。
二次発酵 35℃ 45分程度で端の方を指で押して跳ね返りはあって少し指の形が残るぐらいまで発酵

無塩バター 30g
砂糖 25g
全卵 10g
アーモンドパウダー 30g
薄力粉 5g
ココアパウダー 4g

① 無塩バターを室温に戻しておき、砂糖を加えて白っぽくなるまでホイッパーで混ぜる。
② 全卵を入れよくかき混ぜてから、アーモンドパウダー、薄力粉、ココアパウダーを振るい入れてよくかき混ぜたら完成。


① ベンチタイム後、ショコラ生地と白生地を20cm× 10cmに伸ばし、ショコラ生地の上部分と白生地の下部分を2cmぐらい重ねる。
② 上に被せた白生地をパイ生地カッターで縦にカットする。
③ ショコラ生地にショコラクリームを塗り、チョコチップ、コーヒービートをのせて手前からくるくると巻き、しっかりと閉じ目を閉じる。
④ 閉じ目を下にしてリング状にして閉じ、ペットカップに入れて二次発酵。


チョコチップ 40g
Meiji コーヒービート 30粒

塗り卵 適量
アーモンドスライス 適量

180℃ 15分

ペットカップ ナチュール 6個
φ 90mm×H30mm

粉糖 30g
水  小さじ1
カフェリーヌ エスプレッソ 2g
Meiji コーヒービート 18粒

Chocolate Beat

(6 servings)
250 g bread flour (Haruyokoi)
25 g sugar
10 g buttermilk powder
(You can substitute skim milk.)
3 g salt (Gelland's salt)
(Regular salt can be substituted.)
3 g instant dry yeast
20 g unsalted butter
Milk 60 g
Water 110 g

Divide the dough.
Make 1/2 of the kneaded dough into the chocolate dough and roll the rest into a ball for primary fermentation.

How to make the chocolate dough
Cocoa powder 10 g
(I used cotta varona cacao powder)
*Normal cocoa powder is fine 👌
① Put cocoa powder in a plastic wrap and add 15 to 16 g of water to make a paste.
Adjust the amount of water according to the cocoa powder!
② Knead into 1/2 of the kneaded dough, mix well and let rise for the first time.

Suggestions for fermentation
Primary fermentation Let dough rise for 45 to 50 minutes at 35 degrees until it doubles in size.
Ferment for the second time at 35 degrees for about 45 minutes, pushing the edges with your fingers until they bounce and leave a little finger shape.

Chocolate Cream
30 g unsalted butter
25 g sugar
10 g whole egg
Almond powder 30 g
5 g cake flour
4 g cocoa powder

How to make chocolate cream
① Bring the unsalted butter to room temperature, add the sugar and whisk until it turns white.
② Add the whole egg and stir well, then sift in the almond powder, cake flour and cocoa powder and stir well to finish.

(Bench time)
Divide the white dough and chocolate dough into 6 equal parts and let rest for 15 minutes.

① After bench time, roll out the chocolate dough and white dough to 20 cm x 10 cm, and overlap the upper part of the chocolate dough and the lower part of the white dough by about 2 cm.
② Cut the white dough on top lengthwise with a pastry cutter.
③ Coat the chocolate dough with chocolate cream, top with chocolate chips and coffee beats, roll it up from the front, and close the seams tightly.
④ Make a ring with the seam facing down, close it, put it in a pet cup and let rise for the second time.

★If you don't have a pie crust cutter, use a dredge or pizza cutter to cut the pastry lengthwise into small pieces to make a small flake 😊

40 g chocolate chips
30 Meiji coffee beat

an amount of coated egg
Sliced almonds, to taste

15 minutes at 180 degrees C

Cup used
6 Pet Cup Naturals
φ 90mm×H30mm

Powdered sugar 30 g
1 teaspoon water
*Adjust the amount of water to your desired consistency.
Cafferine espresso 2g
*Instant coffee can be substituted.
18 Meiji coffee beat


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