Hip and Pelvis Stretches for Pelvic Pain and Relaxation (Long Form)

Описание к видео Hip and Pelvis Stretches for Pelvic Pain and Relaxation (Long Form)

Hip and pelvic stretches that relieve pelvic pain plus breathing exercise and pelvic floor relaxation. Physical therapist guided routine with Michelle from https://www.pelvic exercises.com.au Safe gentle exercises suitable for individuals with pelvic pain and pelvic floor spasm. Pelvic floor relaxation is included in this long form version. The short version hip and pelvis stretches video is linked below.

Short Form Pelvic Stretching Video:    • Hip and Pelvis Stretches for Easing P...  

This pelvic floor relaxation stretching routine includes breathing exercises and stretching for the muscles that are associated with pelvic floor spasm and pelvic pain.

How to Relax Your Pelvic Floor Muscles

• 2 large cushions or pillows for hip support
• 1 pillow or cushion for head and neck comfort

Set up for pelvic stretches:
• Wear warm comfortable clothes
• Choose a quiet area
• Ensure the room temperature is comfortable and warm
• Turn off your phone
• Lie down with a cushion under each thigh
• Allowing your thighs to relax and roll outwards

Deep Breathing Exercises
Deep breathing exercises can help you relax muscle tension, including pelvic floor muscles.
Diaphragmatic breathing relaxes the abdominal wall during the in breath. The pelvic floor muscles relax when the abdominal wall relaxes (1).When you breathe in deeply your abdominal wall moves outwards and your pelvic floor muscles relax.

You may find it beneficial to practice diaphragmatic breathing at the outset and conclusion of your pelvic floor relaxation stretches.

Stretching Muscles Related to the Hips and Pelvis
Pelvic floor muscle spasm can be associated with tight pelvic muscles that surround the pelvis (2)

Muscles outside the pelvis to stretch to promote overall recovery include:
• Hamstrings
• Buttocks
• Inner thighs
• Front of hips
• Lower abdominals
• Lower back

Your stretches should be gentle and pain free so that you avoid tensing in response to stretching. Your muscles stretch best when they're warmed up so it's useful to have a warm bath or take short walk before stretching.

Pelvic Floor Relaxation
Practicing pelvic floor relaxation practice is part of physical therapy treatment for pelvic floor spasm.

Start practicing lying down and when your skill improves, progress to sitting and standing. Try to relax your pelvic floor muscles when you feel tense or nervous. Combine this practice with your relaxed deep breathing.

1. Neumann P, Gill V. (2002) Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct. Pelvic floor and abdominal muscle interaction: EMG activity and intra-abdominal pressure. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct. 13(2): pps125-32.
2. FitzGerald, M., Kotarinos, R. (2003) Rehabilitation of the short pelvic floor. II: Treatment of the patient with the short pelvic floor
International Urogynecology Journal. Vol.14(4), pp.269-275.

1. https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free...
2. Aiden Kenway: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEeJ...
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