Pandan coconut cake/斑蘭椰汁糕

Описание к видео Pandan coconut cake/斑蘭椰汁糕

"我们的视频着重展示美食制作过程,所有食材的来源都符合合法和道德标准。" #Pandan coconut cake


水 - 400毫升
細砂糖 - 120克
斑蘭葉-2條 (打結)
椰漿 - 200毫升
木薯粉 - 130克
粘米粉 - 60克
班蘭葉 - 6條
1/4茶匙 鹽

1個長方模具塗油 (21cm x 15cm x 6cm)

1. 將400毫升清水,120克細砂糖,,和1條斑蘭葉(打結),放入鍋裏煮至糖溶及小氣泡,熄火
2. 把130克木薯粉和60克粘米粉混合,再倒入熱糖水,和200毫升椰漿,混合均勻,分成兩部分(320ml及480毫升)。
3. 把6條剪成小段,把剩下的粉漿一起倒入攪拌機打碎,然後過濾2次,過濾後,會取得大約410毫升的斑斕粉漿
4. 長方模型裏塗上少許食油,放入蒸爐加熱,倒入一層80毫升的綠色面糊以中大火蒸約4分鐘。
5. 倒入第二層80克白面糊,放入蒸爐蒸約四分鐘,重復至第八層面糊。
6. 倒入最後一層面糊後,繼續蒸約12分鐘。
7. 完全冷卻後(約4小時),才切片享用。
Pandan coconut cake

Q Soft and sweet pandan coconut cake, the taste of childhood, healthy and delicious!

Caster sugar-120g
Pandan leaves-2 (knotted)
Coconut milk-200ml
Tapioca flour-130g
rice flour-60g
Pandan leaves-6 pcs
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 rectangular mold coated with oil (21cm x 15cm x 6cm)

1. Put 400ml water, 120g caster sugar, and 1 pandan leaf (knotted) into the pot and boil until the sugar dissolves and small bubbles, turn off the heat
2. Mix 130g of tapioca flour and 60g of rice flour, then pour in sugar syrup, and 200 ml of coconut milk, mix well, and divide into two parts (320ml and 480ml).
3. Cut 6 strips pandan leave into small sections, pour the remaining flour mixture into a blender and blend, and then filter twice. After filtering, you will get about 410 ml of pandan batter.
4. Coat a little cooking oil on the rectangular model, heat it in a steamer for 2 min, pour a layer of 80ml of green batter and steam for about 4minutes on medium-high heat.
5. Pour the second layer of 80ml of white batter, put it in the steamer and steam for about four minutes, repeat to the eighth layer of batter.
6. After pouring the last layer of batter, continue to steam for about 12 minutes.
7. After cooling completely (about 4 hours), slice and enjoy.



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