長者出現手腳麻痹,可能是周邊神經線病變! 神經傳導測試有效找出因由及確診 [Eng Subtitles] How to test for peripheral neuropathy?

Описание к видео 長者出現手腳麻痹,可能是周邊神經線病變! 神經傳導測試有效找出因由及確診 [Eng Subtitles] How to test for peripheral neuropathy?

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長者患上手腳麻痹是非常普遍!很多事,以為是頸椎或者腰椎出現問題。其實也可能是因為周邊神經線病變!如果你有糖尿病、甲狀腺問題、腎功能問題,也會出現這個情況! 真的很高興邀請到腦神經專科醫生李至南講解周邊神經線病變,及如何用傳導測試來確診!

In this video, Dr. Joe invited Dr. Lee Chi Nam to tell us about peripheral neuropathy, and how nerve conduction study can help for diagnosis.

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