staying creative when nothing seems to move forward.

Описание к видео staying creative when nothing seems to move forward.

#enjoytheprocess #intentionalliving #consciouscreating #selftalk #morningritual
Today I want to talk about those moments in life when nothing seems to move forward... when we feel this inner block that keeps us from enjoying life, from enjoying creating and expressing ourselves.
I'm sure we've all experienced being in a flow. This feeling when things are moving and progressing the way we want them to, when they are evolving according to our expectations, when we feel like we are sailing on a wave 🌊 little or no need for rowing.
But I'm also sure that we’ve all experienced those moments when we feel stuck. Those moments of seeming inactivity or lack of forward movement. Or when it feels as if things are just not working out.
This can feel pretty hard and challenging at times. As if there was this barrier, this blockage - keeping things from flowing.
I think it’s all part of the process. I think every seeming stagnation within the creative process - of life or art - is an offering.
It's a chance for an inner gathering, inner focus, inner source research, an opportunity to reflect on our insecurities, and our values, a chance to strengthens our roots, a chance for preparation.
I made this video to remind myself of that. And maybe it can remind you and inspire you, too 💜


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