Upper Body Resistance Band Loop Workout (Mini Bands)

Описание к видео Upper Body Resistance Band Loop Workout (Mini Bands)

This workout is broken up into three circuits. For each circuit, you'll do four exercises back to back for 30 seconds each. Rest for 15 seconds then repeat the circuit a second time. Rest for 30 seconds then move onto the next circuit.

As with all workouts, make sure to properly warm up beforehand. Always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed.

Circuit 1 (1:39 to see preview of each exercise)
—Lateral Raise (right)
—Lateral Raise (left)
—Shoulder Press to Lat Pull
—Alternating Lat Pulldown

Circuit 2 (6:56 to see preview of each exercise)
—Lateral Rotation (right)
—Lateral Rotation (left)
—Bent Raise
—High Row

Circuit 3 (12:19 to see preview of each exercise)
—Shoulder Shaper (right)
—Shoulder Shaper (left)
—Shoulder Press with Pull Apart
—Shoulder Shaper Pulls

The set of bands I'm using here is discontinued, but this set is the same thing, just different colors: https://urlgeni.us/amzn/LoopBandSet (affiliate link)


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Song credit: Pacific Sun by Nicolai Heidlas


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