Why Build Multi-Persona Journey Map vs Single Persona Map

Описание к видео Why Build Multi-Persona Journey Map vs Single Persona Map

Are you still relying on a single persona journey map? In this eye-opening video, our Customer Success Agent Julia explains why building a multi-persona journey map is helpful to truly understanding your customers and delivering personalized experiences.

Learn from two examples of how to use multiple personas on a single map and apply what you've learned to your own maps.

00:00 — Intro
00:16 — Multiple personas on one map
05:49 — Comparing similar journeys
07:56 — Showing how personas interact with each other
11:10 — How many personas to have on a map?
12:26 — B2C multi-persona journey map
24:30 — B2B multi-persona journey map
37:10 — Q&A: If the journey interrupts for 1 persona, how we can show it?
38:20 — Q&A: Should I build separate personas or multiples based on employment type?
40:07 — Q&A: How do you connect these journey maps to service blueprints successfully?
41:37 — Q&A: What is the best place to start with personas in analyzing them to determine how they are related and separate?
42:24 — Q&A: At what part of the discovery process, would you use the multi persona map?
43:27 — Q&A: Building on different stages - what is your experience with doctor / patient journeys?
44:48 — Q&A: How to create swim lanes in each stage without using personas?
45:50 — Q&A: When would you use a user journey map versus a user story map?
47:15 — Q&A: To what extent is it ok for journeys to differ between personas before you would recommend to separate them?

📃 How to build multi-persona journey maps — https://uxpressia.com/blog/multiple-p...
📃 How to compare multiple personas on the same map — https://uxpressia.com/blog/multiple-p...

Customer Journey Mapping Online Tool — https://uxpressia.com/customer-journe...

Sign up for a free demo here 👉 https://uxprs.typeform.com/to/rZcvXIb...



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