Grooming Day for Big Pack of Rescue Dogs

Описание к видео Grooming Day for Big Pack of Rescue Dogs

Ok so Monday was a bit of a crazy day. It was super hot and windy and long … but behaviourally … if that’s a way I can describe a Monday … it was challenging.

Generally speaking, Luke works hard to maintain pack harmony every day, but the spot fires from who and where are really expected. Well not on this day. They were everywhere.

I’m going to give some warning for this video. It’s not the usual mostly rainbows and unicorns. If you’re not having the best day, you might want to skip this and wait for tomorrow’s video. But for those who want warts and all, continue watching.

Luke has been focusing on Cruiser and Diesel’s training, most especially this last week or so and some of the pack members have taken that as an opportunity to act out. Well Luke decided enough was enough. Cover your ears if you don’t want to hear a behaviourally unacceptable word said about Miss Violet, Barney, Shadow … 🙉

Abra, we all know has been on Luke’s radar. But today there was going to be no excuses. She might be a puppy but her behaviour is being received by the other dogs as serious and so too does her training now need to be.

After a 30 mins boot camp session peace was restored and Cruiser and Diesel could join us.


Maxine arrived extra early. Aunty Sam has been missing Maxine each week because I’m usually inside with the kids. But today I was on Spa duty. Looking back on the video, it’s an hour of Maxine and I having a chin wag. All we do is talk about dogs. Obviously a shared love. Maxine shares her stories, I share ours.

Meanwhile, inside, Luke is making the kids pizza for breakfast.

The highlight of our day was Cruiser super excited to see his mates. Giving Rosco lots of licks in the mouth. Big respect.

We also thank a special person named Yvonne, who for her 80th birthday asked her friends and family to make a donation to the farm instead of giving her presents at her party. What a lovely thing to organise. Thank you so very much and happy birthday Yvonne from all the doggies and humans at the farm.

In the afternoon, Cruiser meets Kitty. The first meeting of many.

In the evening, we all find our spots for the night. It’s as quiet as a mouse. It’s been a very very big day.


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