Drunk Man Sitting in a Crashed Car Denies Everything - Bodycam

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Police report:

"The def. was operating a 2011 Nissan 4 door silver in color bearing a fla tag of uu84v. The def. was involved in a single vehicle crash involving property damage and damage to his veh only. The def. was found in the drivers seat of his car. damage was estimated to be at approx. $1000.00 the def. had the strong odor of an alcoholic beverage on his breath as he spoke, his eyes were very bloodshot, his speech was slurred and mumbled. He was unable to do fsts. post miranda the def. denied drinking any alcohol. The def refused the breath test, he was read implied consent, he was asked again for a breath test, he refused.

The def has 4 prior convictions for dui"

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