Think Tech Visits Iolani Palace (Think Tech on OC16)

Описание к видео Think Tech Visits Iolani Palace (Think Tech on OC16)

Cynthia Sinclair and Emmie Ortega-Anderson take a look at Iolani Palace, highlighting a tour that Think Tech was given. They review the history of the Palace, through its original construction, the tumultuous history of Hawaii, and to the present, where it serves as a historic landmark that shares the history of the land to many people daily. Ihilani Gutierrez, the Education Manager at Iolani Palace, walked Think Tech around the Palace and highlighted interesting artifacts, going through each floor of the Palace. The tour was centered around Colonet Curtis Pi’ehu I’aukea, the Chamberlain to the Royal Household.
Original Air Date April 28, 2019. Episode 403.

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