menu harian 1


#nasiudukkencur (aromatic rice)
2 liter santan (8 cups of coconut milk)
2 liter beras (8 cups of rice)
4 sdt garam (4 tsp of salt)
8 lbr daun jeruk (8 keffir lime leaves)
8 lbr daun salam (8 Indonesian bayleaves)
1 ibu jari kencur (1 tbsp of aromatic ginger)
4 bt sereh (4 stalks of lemongrass)
1 bh lemon (a lemon)

#ayamkencur (aromatic chicken)
1500 gr ayam (3 lbs of chicken)
400 gr cabai hijau (1 lb of green chili)
15 lbr daun jeruk (15 keffir lime leaves)
3 ibu jari kencur (3 tbsp of aromatic ginger)
5 siung bawang putih (5 cloves of garlic)
7 siung bawang merah (7 bulbs of shallot)
1 sdt garam (1 tsp of salt)
2 sdt kaldu bubuk (2 tsp of stock powder)

menu harian 2


#tumiskangkung (sauteed water spinach)
2 ikat kangkung (2 handfuls of water spinach)
5 bh cabai (5 pods of chili)
3 siung bawang putih (3 cloves of garlic)
3 siung bawang merah (3 bulbs of shallot)
1 sdm tauco (1 tbsp of tauco)
300 CC air (a cup of water)
1/2 sdt kaldu bubuk (1/2 tsp of stock powder)
1/4 sdt MSG (1/4 tsp of MSG)

#sambelgoangtempe (tempeh sambal)
150 gr tempe (6 oz of tempeh)
23 cabai rawit (23 pods of Thai chili)
1 siung bawang putih (a clove of garlic)
1/2 sdt garam (1/2 tsp of salt)
1/4 sdt MSG (1/4 tsp of MSG)
3 sdm minyak panas (3 tbsp of hot oil)

menu harian 3


1 kg nangka muda (2 lbs of young jackfruit)
250 gr ceker ayam (10 oz of chicken feet)
7 btr kemiri (7 candlenuts)
7 siung bawang putih (7 cloves of garlic)
7 siung bawang merah (7 bulbs of shallot)
3 ibu jari lengkuas (3 tbsp of galangal)
2 sdm ketumbar bubuk (2 tbsp of ground coriander)
1000 ml santan dari 1/4 butir kelapa (4 cups of coconut milk from 1/4 coconut)
1000 ml air rebusan teh dan daun salam (4 cups of water from boiled tea and Indonesian bayleaves)
50 gr daun salam kering (2 oz of dried Indonesian bayleaves)
4 ibu jari gula merah (4 tbsp of palm sugar)
1 sdt garam (1 tsp of salt)
1/4 sdt MSG (1/4 tsp of MSG)
1 sdt kaldu bubuk (1 tsp of stock powder)
7 btr telur rebus (7 boiled eggs)

#sambelgorengtahu (tofu sambal)

1 kg tahu putih (2 lbs of tofu)
200 gr cabai merah (8 oz of red chili)
5 btr kemiri (5 candlenuts)
5 siung bawang putih (5 cloves of garlic)
7 siung bawang merah iris (7 bulbs of shallot, sliced)
2 ibu jari lengkuas (2 tbsp of galangal)
3 lbr daun salam (3 Indonesian bayleaves)
2 ibu jari gula merah (2 tbsp of palm sugar)
1 sdt garam (1 tsp of salt)
1/4 sdt msg (1/4 tsp of MSG)
200 ml air (a cup of water)

menu harian 4

#osengcumi (sauteed squid)
250 gr cumi asin (10 oz of salted squid)
2 bh tomat (2 tomatoes)
5 siung bawang putih (5 cloves of garlic)
7 siung bawang merah (7 bulbs of shallot)
15 bh cabai (15 pods of chili)
1 sdt kaldu bubuk (1 tsp of stock powder)
1/2 sdt gula (1/2 tsp of sugar)

#sayurbayam (spinach soup)

1 ikat bayam (a handful of spinach)
1500 CC air (6 cups of water)
5 siung bawang merah iris (5 bulbs of shallot, sliced)
5 bt temu kunci (5 finger roots)
1 sdt garam (1 tsp of salt)
2 sdt kaldu bubuk (2 tsp of stock powder)
1 sdt bawang putih goreng (1 tsp of fried garlic)

menu harian 5

1 kg sayuran lodeh mentah
65 ml santan kental kemasan
1500 ml air

5 siung bawang merah iris
5 siung bawang putih iris
3 ibu jari lengkuas geprek
5 lbr daun salam
2 sdm ketumbar bubuk
1 sdt lada bubuk
2 bh cabai hijau besar
2 sdt garam
1/4 sdt MSG
1 sdt kaldu bubuk


3 bh jagung manis
3 bt daun bawang
3 bt sledri
6 siung bawang putih iris
2 sdm ketumbar bubuk
2 sdt lada bubuk
1/4 sdt kunyit bubuk
12 sdm trigu pro rendah/sedang
6 sdm tepung beras
3 sdm sagu tapioka
12 sdt baking powder


100 gr udang rebon
50 gr teri
150 gr cabai rawit
250 gr tomat
5 siung bawang putih
5 siung bawang merah
3 lbr daun salam
1/4 sdt MSG/micin

menu harian 6


1 kg labu air
5 siung bawang putih
5 siung bawang merah
5 bh cabai
500 ml air
1 sdt kaldu bubuk
1/4 sdt garam
1/4 sdt lada bubuj
1 bt daun bawang


250 gr ikan asin cuek
1 papan petai
100 gr cabai
2 bh tomat
3 siung bawang putih
3 siung bawang merah
1/4 sdt kaldu bubuk

500 gr tempe
10 lbr daun jeruk

6 sdm tepung beras
3 sdm tepung maizena
1 sdm tepung sagu tapioka
1 sdm ketumbar bubuk
1 sdt garam
2 sdm santan bubuk
3000 ml air
1/8 sdt kunyit bubuk

menu harian 7

5 siunh bawang putih
1/2 ibi jari jahe
250 gr ayam
2 bh wortel
1 bh kentang
7 bh buncis
50 gr kubis
1 bt daun bawang
1 bt daun sledri
1000 ml air
1/2 sdt garam
1 sdt kaldu bubuk
1/2 sdt lada bubuk

19 bh cabai
1 bh tomat
1 siung bawang putih
3 siung bawang merah
1 bh tomat
1/2 ibu jari trasi
1/2 sdt kaldu bubuk

selamat mencoba🤩

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