【イタリア編】ティラミス レシピの決定版 簡単!失敗なしの本場・イタリアの作り方|Tiramisu

Описание к видео 【イタリア編】ティラミス レシピの決定版 簡単!失敗なしの本場・イタリアの作り方|Tiramisu

   • イタリア大使館  

00:00 紹介ムービー
0:21 材料紹介
0:51 材料一覧
0:58 調理開始 工程1クリーム作り
3:40 おススメの器
3:56 調理開始 工程2クリームとビスケットを合わせる
6:44  食文化紹介
7:18  おススメのワイン
8:50 食事



卵 4個 (白身と黄身にわける)
マスカルポーネチーズ  500 g
レディフィンガービスケット 300g
グラニュー糖 100 g
エスプレッソコーヒー 1カップ
ココアパウダー(甘味なし) 大さじ2
【Ingredients】 for 8
4 eggs whites and yolks separated 
Mascarpone cheese (room temperature) 500 gr
Lady’s finger biscuits (Savoiardi) 300gr
Granulated white sugar 100 gr
Freshly brewed coffee about 1 cup
Unsweetened Cocoa Powder 2 tablespoon






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   / @bs4_kitchen  

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#料理 #イタリアン #スイーツ


Learn to make the classic Italian dessert, Tiramisu, with this simple recipe. The video guides you through the steps to create the perfect blend of coffee, cream, and cocoa powder. Pair it with a glass of noble Sicilian wine like Marsala for a delicious treat.

[00:01]This section of the video introduces the ingredients for making Tiramisu and shows the first step of mixing sugar and egg yolks.
- The ingredients for Tiramisu include espresso, sugar, and finger biscuits.
- The video suggests buying finger biscuits from an international supermarket.
- The first step involves mixing sugar with egg yolks.

[02:21]The video demonstrates the process of making tiramisu cream, including mixing the meringue yolks and cream, assembling the tiramisu in a small cup, and dipping the savoiardi cookies.
- Meringue yolks and cream are mixed together slowly in two to three different times.
- The tiramisu cream is usually made in a big dish for larger portions, but in this case, a small cup is used.
- The espresso coffee is poured into a bowl, ensuring it is not too hot to avoid breaking the savoiardi cookies.
- The cream is placed in the glass, followed by quickly dipping the savoiardi cookies.
- The process is repeated for a cleaner presentation.

[05:19]The video shows the final steps of making tiramisu, including refrigerating it for four hours and adding cocoa powder as a finishing touch.
- After four hours in the refrigerator, the tiramisu is ready.
- Cocoa powder is sprinkled on top of the tiramisu for added flavor.
- The host mentions that tiramisu is a controversial dessert but still highly regarded in Italian cuisine.
- The host shares that their children love tiramisu and they make it frequently at home.

[07:26]Marsala wine, which comes from the city of Marsala in western Sicily, got famous in 1773 when a British sailor fell in love with it and brought it back to the British Isles.
- Marsala wine is a dry and noble wine from western Sicily.
- In 1773, a British sailor named Mr. John Woodhouse discovered Marsala wine in the port of Marsala and brought it back to the British Isles.
- Marsala wine is often used in making Tiramisu, which is a dessert made with dry biscuits soaked in coffee and layered with mascarpone cream.


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