Dr Reid Oliver's Story - ATWT - Part 62

Описание к видео Dr Reid Oliver's Story - ATWT - Part 62

[Note: I didn't include, as much as it pained me, the Luke and Lucinda scene ... it has nothing to do with Reid, as epic as it was. Please see AnthonyDLangford's channel for that.]

Anyone used to watch the Demon Headmaster (may only apply to those in the UK!) .... seriously....that stare.... ;)

Reid REALLY is just so presumptuous! I can understand WHY he is freaking out (which is a phrase I NEVER thought I'd use for him) because he's NOT used to these feelings he's having and is going to be more sensitive than others would be but REEEEIIIIIDDDDD (said in the whiniest voice!) please for the love of god just STOP jumping to conclusions!!!! :P

I put the two "outside Java" scenes together so it ran better. Much nicer than Bob and Kim interrupting the poutiness half way through!

First of all.... yep more of their pesonal space issues and grabbing and general closeness THEN we get feisty and intense arguing .... cue the angst. I SWEAR, these two wrote the rule book!!!

I am so pleased that Luke has opened his eyes and is now so OPEN to being with Reid. OH HOW THE TABLES HAVE TURNED! Jeeezzzzz torturing us!

I never thought I'd see those pesky guards again so strong and in force. A BLIP ... ouchie! Luke's face though... says it all. Reid's not the only one who has someone under his skin.... Luke goes from upset to frustrated all of the way through. You can SEE the unwritten and unspoken words between them, can't you? We all know Van acts with his eyes anyway and does is DAMNED well (and they're so pretty so why not *shameful swoon*) ... against Eric and Reid's character it works so well. Reid's not that expressive but you can see it in small moments and Eric protrays things subtly and differently. It's like their acting really compliments their characters - whether it's intention I don't know but i works sooooo well. Hope you get what I mean, hahaha!

Love how Luke's kinda teary too. Not in the crying sense but in the vulnerable sense... he's put himself out there and you can SEE the disappointment.

LOVED the "warm at night" comment. That's what Reid wants. Deep down and we all know it. His reply was SO Reid. He's back to his usual self- work is his substitute and the ay he gets his satisfaction, it's all he understands. Luke's face as Reid walks away .... sob
Here comes another shameless swoon ... Van's lips. End of.

The fact that I want Reid to be WANTED, the fact Luke does want him now and when he's with Noah, he doesn't deny it and says it straight up ... they're friends now. I like it :) Noah's being so kind acting how he is. NOT MANY would do what he's doing and sit and listen to the kind of things Luke is saying!

OK NEED TO SAY IT AGAIN. Van is beautiful in this scene.
Not surprised Noah got his knickers in a twist ... I mean Luke, COME ON...insensitive much?!

Kim .... you are a SWEETHEART. Poor Bob's having a bit of a late life crisis. He's not himself and poor Reid and Luke are suffering. LOVE how he cares for Reid. Awww Bob Hughes, you big old softie. Have a feeling it's just going to get nicer too. Reid needs a father figure, well just someone who understand where he's coming from.

I included the Luke and Holden scene because, well, Holden's fabulous and also because I MISS Holden and Luke scenes and it runs into the little Bob scene :D PLEASE SOA GODS GIVE US A HOLDEN AND LUKE CHAT. Why they keep trying to parallel Lily and Luke is beyond me.

Oh the Noah and Reid scene. HAHAHAHAH NOAH please, I keep trying to tell you .... don't try to outsnark the GOD of snark. No no no. Seeing Reid clutching that box is just wrong... especially as he's in the hospital WITHOUT SCRUBS. Gawd! It's not right seeing him leaving his life's work BUT cue his confused stage.

We all LOVE to se Reid's layers peeled back and the MANY sides to his, frankly, fascinating character SO why not add a bit of unhinged, confused, scruffy, downbeat Reid to the mix. If anything it'll make for more INCREDIBLE one-liners ....!!!!!

Continued on Part 63.....


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