Dr Reid Oliver's Story - ATWT - Part 66

Описание к видео Dr Reid Oliver's Story - ATWT - Part 66

Just want to mention, a lot of people on here don't watch ATWT normally and don't know the story surrounding stuff going on with Reid. This is Reid's story and I always promised to include every scene plus scenes that relate to his time in Oakdale. THAT is why Chris & Katie and Bob & Kim scenes are going to be added in too. I want this to be a place to go watch once ATWT is over so I hope you don't mind them :D

Welcome to the one where Reid learns to be a "person". HA! Poor Gretchen. MAN this epsiode is incredible.
"What people? I want names!" - HAHAHA! Oh Luke it'd be a short list! You'd be top of it.

This is the whole kick off of the Chris v Reid scenario. For those who don't know much about Chris, it'll be easy to pick up on! :P

"The parkinson's guy" - ouch. No tact... like, zero. It's blooming brilliant even when he's completely insulting! It was always going to be awkward when Chris realised that Bob had a soft spot for Reid and felt fatherly towards him.
IN COMES LUKE! "Feelings" and "Family Politics"

HAHAHAHA Reid doesn't even know the meaning of the word.

BRING YOUR STETHOSCOPE. Never have words come out of Luke Snyder's mouth (maybe except 'just breathe') sounded BETTER. HAHA! That look. Reid's like putty in Luke's hands. The way they react to eachother is so precious. Reid can't resist. It's always been a case of push and pull with these two and even BEYOND their wall pushing and snarkiness they STILL do it, but in a different way. They blatently get a kick out of it.

HAVE TO SAY how much I love Kim and Chris. They REALLY feel like mum and son which is rare. I always feel sometimes, recently, that Lily feels like Luke's best friend (with terrible advice and some odd crush on Mr Mayer!).

Seeing as Luke likes lessons and is the ever attentive teacher... lets see what we learn in this episode...

Lesson One: Dishevelled Reid is gorgeous.
Lesson Two: Reid TRYING is even more gorgeous.
Lesson Three: Reid flirting is OFF THE SCALE. WAY OFF.
Lesson Four: Luke reacting to flirting is so swoonworthy it's unreal.
Lesson Five: Irritated pointy Luke is hilarious and makes you want to hug him.
Lesson Six: Insecure Reid is cute but makes you want to hit him.
Lesson Seven: Forget our birthdays, eat the last donut... we don't care! ahem
Lesson Eight: Reid smiling lights up the entire world. Especially when Luke smiles back.
Lesson Nine: Smirking Reid is the BEST Reid. He only want to play nice with Luke. SUCH A MARSHMALLOW!
Lesson Ten: WE WANT IT TO BE "ANYTHING"!!!!!!!!!
Lesson Eleven: Nobody could say no to Luke Snyder. NOT.EVEN.REID.OLIVER.

Wow. We learn a lot in a few minutes :P ... and get warm fuzzies to boot. I could watch those scenes backwards, fowards and upside down. On repeat of course!

Oh one more lesson.... we learn that manhandling Luke is always welcome and we like when he makes his return!!!! remember pulling Reid into the oncall room

Watching Reid try to be nice. Priceless. He's so clueless. Thinking back to when he first came, it's even MORE hilarious that we now know it's not a front really and it's not Reid being horrible on purpose. It's HIM... and THAT'S why he's so special.

Here endeth my love letter to the man himself :P

Feel free to write your own! :)


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