
Описание к видео パサつかないパンを作る3つの工夫!しっとりふわふわフライドオニオン香るベーコンパンの作り方/これでパン作りは激変します✨





強力粉(はるゆたかブレンド) 250g
砂糖 20g
バターミルクパウダー 6g
塩(ゲランドの塩 ) 3g
卵(全卵) 25g
インスタントドライイースト 3g
無塩バター 15g
牛乳 60g
水  90g

フライドオニオン  30g
(KALDI購入 キューネ100%フライドオニオン使用していますが、普通のフライドオニオンで代用可能です)

一次発酵 35℃ 45分〜50分程度で生地が2倍ぐらいになるまで発酵させる。
二次発酵 35℃ 50分程度で端の方を指で押して跳ね返りはあって少し指の形が残るぐらいまで発酵


1. 15分のベンチタイム後、28cm× 17cmに伸ばして、①ブラックペッパー②ピザ用チーズ③ベーコン🥓の順番に生地に乗せる
2. 手前からくるくると巻き、閉じ目を閉じる。
3. 巻いた生地を縦に置き、縦に真ん中でカットする。
4. カットした生地の断面を上に向けて、2つの生地を交差させて型に入れ二次発酵。

①ブラックペッパー 適量
②ピザ用チーズ 50g
③ベーコン🥓 6枚

塗り卵 適量
粉チーズ 適量 

190℃ 10分 180℃ 13分

パウンド型 18㎝×2台
※1斤型長方形 1台で代用可能です。 


Fried Onion Bacon Bread 🥓.

TThe bread I'm introducing here is a grown-up Fried Onion Bacon, with lots of fried onions kneaded into the dough, bacon, cheese, and black pepper spice!🧅🥓🙌😋

Have you ever experienced bread becoming crusty or hard after baking?
There are many reasons for crusty bread, but it can be due to the dryness of the dough during the baking process or the filling that is kneaded into the dough absorbing the moisture of the dough.

With just a little care and ingenuity, you can bake fluffy bread without any crustiness, so we hope you find the video helpful 🤗💕.
Enjoy making this very delicious fried onion bacon with me 🤗💕💕🧅🥓.

250 g bread flour (Haruyutaka blend)
20 g sugar
6g buttermilk powder
(skim milk can be substituted)
3 g salt (salt of Guerande)
(3g salt (can be substituted with regular salt) 
25 g whole eggs
3 g instant dry yeast
15 g unsalted butter
60 g milk
90g water

30g fried onions
(I used KALDI's Keune 100% fried onions, but regular fried onions can be substituted.)

Fermentation time
First fermentation: 35℃ for 45-50 minutes until the dough doubles in size.
Second fermentation: 35°C, 50 minutes, until the edges of the dough bounce back when pressed with a finger, but the shape of the finger remains a little.

Bench time
After the first fermentation, divide the dough into two pieces and bench for 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes of bench time, roll out the dough to 28cm x 17cm and place the following items on the dough in this order: 1) black pepper, 2) pizza cheese, and 3) bacon. 2.
2. roll up the dough from the front and close the eyes. 3.
Place the rolled dough vertically and cut lengthwise in the middle. 4.
Place the two pieces of dough crosswise in the mold with the cut dough cross section facing up and place in the mold for the second fermentation.
Please watch the video carefully for the molding!

1) Black pepper, to taste
(Use HOUSE's black pepper, roughly ground)
2) 50 g pizza cheese
Bacon 🥓 6 slices

Eggs to be coated as needed
Cheese powder to taste 
After the second fermentation, brush with egg and sprinkle with cheese powder as desired and bake.
If you don't like cheese, you can also omit the pizza cheese and powdered cheese.

190℃ for 10 minutes 180℃ for 13 minutes
With 3 minutes remaining, cover the top with aluminum foil.

Molds used
Pound mold 18cm x 2
1 rectangular 1-loaf mold can be substituted.



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