牛肉意粉卷 - 特首選舉 Beef Cannelloni - Lesser of Three Weevils

Описание к видео 牛肉意粉卷 - 特首選舉 Beef Cannelloni - Lesser of Three Weevils

今日呢個餸係一個喺Apple Store返工嘅網友要求嘅,同埋鳩噏吓聽日壇嘢,雖然講乜都係廢話,因為無票。

Today's dish is a special request from a viewer who works at the Apple store. and today's topic is about the Hong Kong's Chief Executive Election, which takes place tomorrow.

二-三人份量/ For two-three people

免治牛肉500克 - 500g of minced beef
洋蔥1個 - 1 onion
蒜1顆 - 1 clove of garlic
百里香1湯匙 - 1tbsp of thyme
番茄膏1湯匙 - 1tbsp of tomato puree
番茄醬400毫升 - 400ml of tomato sauce
意大利麵卷9條 - 9 Cannelloni tubes
巴馬臣芝士 (隨意) - grated Parmesan cheese
牛油20克 - 20g of butter
中筋麵粉20克 - 20g of plain flour
牛奶300毫升 - 300ml of milk
鹽 - pinch of salt


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