測你腳力就知你是否有提早老化衰退-脊醫王鳳恩 (中/Eng Sub) Sit to stand test for the sign of aging -Dr Matty Wong DC

Описание к видео 測你腳力就知你是否有提早老化衰退-脊醫王鳳恩 (中/Eng Sub) Sit to stand test for the sign of aging -Dr Matty Wong DC

今天我想大家測試下自己其實腳步的肌力有沒有開始減少, 如果你們大概是五十歲以上基本上我們的肌肉的流失其實都比較快的. 如果我們沒有訓練肌肉的運動, 我們很容易就腳部不夠力, 到我們這些年紀的時候我們都會可能拿重物或者你們抱孫子的時候, 抱著他們坐下起來也會失了平衡的. 因為腳部實在真不夠力. 有些病人說我已經60了或 70 或者甚至80歲腳力當然會弱, 其實可以提早去練習我們的腳力是增強肌力讓我們沒那麼容易失平衡...

Today I want everyone to test themselves to see our leg strength has started to decrease. If you are around 50 years old or above, basically our muscle mass loss is actually faster. And if we don't have any muscle training exercise we will easily find our leg are not strong enough. By the time we reach this age when we lift heavy things, or holding your grandchildren to sit down or get up and easy lost balance. Because our leg are really not strong enough. Some patients say they are already 60s 70s or even 80 years old, their leg strength will be weak but we can practice to regain our leg strength. It can improve the muscle tone so we don't lose balance.....

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#lowbackpain #balances #balanceexercise #失平衡

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Disclaimer: The content and information provided on this video is for reference only and does not replace medical assessment or professional treatment. Please consult registered chiropractor or registered medical doctor for inquiry


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